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7 ways to stop sneezing right away


In order to stop a sneezing crisis immediately, you must wash your face and wipe your nose with saline, dripping a few drops. This will eliminate the dust that may be inside the nose, relieving this discomfort within minutes.

Normally sneezing and sneezing attacks upon waking are caused by allergic factors, so if a person has asthma or rhinitis, the greater the chances of suffering from frequent sneezing.

Some other strategies to stop sneezing are:

1. Look at the light

Staring at the light on or directly at the sun is able to block the sneeze reflection immediately, making the person feel better in a short time.

2. Bite your tongue

Another very effective strategy is to focus your attention on biting your tongue when you feel like sneezing. This is a great strategy for embarrassing moments, like at a wedding or an important meeting.

3. Keep the environment clean

People who suffer from any type of allergy, are more likely to have respiratory allergies, so they should sleep, work and study in properly cleaned places, free of dust, dust mites and food scraps. Cleaning the room daily and changing the bedding weekly are great strategies to keep the room clean, but in addition it is also recommended to clean the furniture with a damp cloth to remove as much dust as possible.

4. Wash inside the nose

In a sneeze crisis, washing your face helps, but it is better to drip a few drops of saline, sea water or saline solution into the nostrils to really eliminate any microorganism that is causing this allergic reaction. The nasal wash that we indicate here also helps a lot.

5. Drink water

Drinking 1 glass of water is also a good way to control sneezing because it stimulates other parts of the brain and also moistens the throat, which also helps to purify the airways.

6. Bathing

Taking a warm bath, with steam around you, is also a good strategy to stop sneezing fast, but if that is not possible, boil some water and inhale a little water vapor that also helps to purify nostrils, ceasing the sneezing crisis.

7. Using allergy remedies

In case of asthma or allergic rhinitis, the pulmonologist or allergist may recommend the use of drugs to control allergy, such as bronchodilators, corticosteroids or xanthines, such as Salbutamol, Budesonide, Theophylline and Mometasone to control symptoms and improve the person's quality of life. In these cases, the remedies should be used daily for life, because they decrease secretions, facilitate the entry of air and decrease the chronic inflammation that is always present in the airways.

What causes constant sneezing

The main cause of constant sneezing is allergic reactions that can affect anyone, but which especially affect people with asthma or rhinitis. Some factors that can trigger a sneeze crisis are:

  • Dust in the place, even if it seems clean; Smell of perfume in the air; Pepper in the air; Smell flowers; Flu or cold; Being in a closed environment, with little air renewal;

In case of smelly sneeze this can indicate, for example, a nasal infection or sinusitis, which is when microorganisms develop inside the airways and end up causing headache and heaviness in the face, in addition to bad breath. Learn all the symptoms of sinusitis and how to treat it.

Why shouldn't you sneeze

Sneezing is an involuntary reaction of the body that serves to clear the airways of any microorganism that is causing irritation in this location. When trying to hold a sneeze, the force performed can even lead to the rupture of small blood vessels in the eyes, perforated eardrum, problems in the diaphragm and rupture of the throat muscles, which is a serious situation, which requires surgery as soon as possible..

The most common is that the person sneezes only once, but in certain cases you can sneeze 2 or 3 times in a row. An allergic attack can be suspected if you need to sneeze more than that.

When to go to the doctor

Consultation with an allergist or pulmonologist is recommended if you have:

  • Constant sneezing and not having the flu or cold; Waking up and having a sneeze crisis more than once a week.

And also in case of sneezing with blood, because although the most common is that it is caused by the rupture of small blood vessels from inside the nose, if the blood is also present in the phlegm or in the cough, it must be evaluated by a health professional. Cheers.

7 ways to stop sneezing right away