Home Symptoms 6 Care to treat inflamed piercing

6 Care to treat inflamed piercing


The inflamed piercing happens when there is a change in the healing process, causing pain, swelling and redness above normal after piercing the skin.

The treatment of inflamed piercing should preferably be guided by a nurse or general practitioner, according to the type of wound and the degree of inflammation, but general guidelines include keeping the place clean and dry, avoiding moisture and sweat, in addition to to use anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.

Check out the main care you should have with the inflamed piercing:

How to care for inflamed piercing

If it is perceived that the piercing site is inflamed, you need to take some precautions, such as:

  1. Wash the area about 2 times a day, with soap and water, which can be neutral or antibacterial, and then dry with a clean towel or gauze; Avoid leaving the region moist, with sweat or accumulation of secretion, using airy clothes and keeping the place dry; Avoid rubbing the piercing with clothing or accessories; Clean the area with saline and cotton. A homemade solution can also be used, made with 250 ml of clean, warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt; Taking anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, nimesulide or ketoprofen, for example, help to improve pain and swelling; Be careful with food, as there are types of food that can hinder healing, such as sweets, soft drinks, fried foods and sausages. Anti-inflammatory foods can help treat inflamed piercing , such as turmeric and garlic, for example. Find out which foods help fight inflammation.

When inflammation does not improve with these precautions, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner, as it may be necessary to start treatment with antibiotics in tablets, such as cephalexin, or in ointment, such as Diprogenta or Trok-G, for example.

In the case of inflamed piercing in the mouth, such as on the tongue or lip, in addition to these precautions, it is important to eat soft foods to help reduce discomfort and pain. See an example of a soft food menu.

Products such as honey, aloe vera or other homemade ointments should not be used, as they can accumulate dirt in the region and hinder healing. Products such as alcohol, iodine or hydrogen peroxide, as they cause irritation, should only be used in cases of larger wounds that require dressings, guided by the nurse or general practitioner.

How to prevent inflammation

To avoid inflammation of the piercing , it is important not to rub clothing or accessories on the spot, to prevent the accumulation of sweat or discharge, keeping the place dry and clean and not to enter swimming pools, lakes or the sea until the wound is healed. When cleaning the place, it is recommended to touch the jewelry a little, carefully and with clean hands, to avoid the accumulation of secretions that can facilitate the infection.

In addition, the placement of the piercing should always be done in a reliable place, as the use of contaminated material can cause serious infections. See more about the correct ways to treat the piercing and prevent an infection.

How to know if you are inflamed

After having a piercing , either in the navel, nose, ear or mouth, it is normal for him to have an inflamed appearance for about 2 days, with localized swelling, redness, transparent discharge and a little pain. However, some signs may indicate that an exaggerated inflammation or even an infection is happening, such as:

  • Redness or swelling that does not improve in 3 days; Increased red and swollen area for the surrounding skin; Very severe or unbearable pain; Presence of pus, with white, yellowish or greenish discharge, or blood in the area; Presence of fever or malaise be.

In the presence of these signs and symptoms, the emergency room should be sought, so that treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, as prescribed by the general practitioner, begins.

6 Care to treat inflamed piercing