Home Pregnancy Anembryonic pregnancy: what to do and how to identify

Anembryonic pregnancy: what to do and how to identify


Anembryonic pregnancies happen when the fertilized egg is implanted in the woman's uterus, but does not develop an embryo, generating an empty gestational sac. It is considered one of the main causes of spontaneous abortion during the first trimester, but it is not common to happen.

In this type of pregnancy, the body continues to act as if the woman were pregnant and, therefore, if a pregnancy test is done during the first weeks, it is possible to obtain a positive result, as the placenta is developing and producing the hormones necessary for pregnancy, and it is even possible to have some symptoms such as feeling sick, tired and sore breasts.

However, by the end of the first 3 months of pregnancy, the body will identify that there is no embryo growing inside the gestational sac and will end the pregnancy, causing an abortion. Sometimes, this process is very fast, happening in a few days and, therefore, it is possible that the woman does not even realize that she was pregnant.

See the symptoms of abortion.

What can cause this type of pregnancy

In most cases, anembryonic pregnancy happens due to a change in the chromosomes that carry the genes inside the egg or sperm and, therefore, it is not possible to prevent the development of this type of pregnancy.

Thus, although it may come as a shock to the pregnant woman, she should not feel guilty about the abortion, since it is not a problem that can be avoided.

How to identify this type of pregnancy

It is very difficult for the woman to be able to identify that she is having an anembryonic pregnancy because all signs of a normal pregnancy are present, such as the lack of menstruation, the positive pregnancy test and even the first symptoms of pregnancy.

Thus, the best way to diagnose anembryonic pregnancy is during the ultrasound done in the first 3 months of pregnancy. In this examination, the doctor will observe the amniotic pouch, but will not be able to identify an embryo, nor will he be able to hear the heartbeat of the fetus.

What to do and when to get pregnant

Anembryonic pregnancies usually only happen once in a woman's life, however, it is recommended to wait until the first menstruation after the abortion, which happens about 6 weeks later, before trying to get pregnant again.

This time must be respected to allow the body to be able to eliminate all the residues inside the uterus and to recover correctly for a new pregnancy.

In addition, the woman must feel emotionally recovered from the abortion, before trying a new pregnancy, because, even if it is not her fault, it can cause feelings of guilt and loss that need to be overcome.

Anembryonic pregnancy: what to do and how to identify