Home Bulls Chicken pox spots: how to remove and prevent them from appearing

Chicken pox spots: how to remove and prevent them from appearing


Applying a little bit of rosehip oil, hypoglycans or aloe vera daily to the skin are great ways to remove the small spots on the skin left by chicken pox. These products are natural and can be used even in children, as long as they are over 6 years old or under the guidance of a pediatrician.

After about 2 months of daily use, the stains may be lighter, but if you can not see any difference, you can resort to the use of some cream with whitening properties, such as Suavicid, which can be indicated by the dermatologist.

The aesthetic treatments to remove the marks and spots of chicken pox should only be started after the chicken pox is completely cured, but the ideal is that it is done in childhood, because otherwise the marks can become permanent, being very difficult to be removed in adult life.

Chicken pox marks and stains

1. Natural forms

To remove the chickenpox scars from the child's skin, natural solutions can be used, such as:

  • Wheat germ oil: apply wheat germ oil to chickenpox scars every day after taking a shower. Wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, which help with healing and skin regeneration. Aloe: cut 2 aloe leaves in half, with the help of a spoon, extract all the gel from inside the leaf into a container. Then, a clean towel or gauze should be moistened in the gel and applied to the scars daily, about 2 times a day. Aloe helps in the healing of the skin, moisturizing and regenerating it. Rosehip oil : apply the oil to the skin every day after bathing. The musket rose oil promotes skin regeneration, brightening and moisturizing the skin.

In addition, it is also important to avoid sun exposure, using a sunscreen with an SPF above 30 and making homemade exfoliations every 2 weeks to remove dead skin cells. Here's how to make a good homemade scrub with natural ingredients.

2. Aesthetic treatments

If the chicken pox did not leave dark spots on the skin, but small scars were left that are taller than the skin, treatments such as:

  • Corticosteroid ointment: combats itching, moisturizes and protects the skin but can only be used under medical advice; Acid peeling: removes the most superficial layer of the skin, lightening the skin and removing scars; Dermabrasion: removes the outermost layer of the skin using a type of electric sandpaper, removing the chicken pox marks and giving a uniform contour to the skin; Laser: uses high energy light to remove damaged skin and remove unwanted scars from chicken pox.

The choice of the best aesthetic treatment should be made by the dermatologist or physical therapist dermato functional after evaluation of the individual's skin.

How to avoid getting stains

To avoid the scratching of spots and scars left by chicken pox it is essential to avoid scratching the wounds, however, this can be a very difficult idea to follow, especially in the case of children.

So, other tips that, in addition to reducing the itchy sensation, can also decrease the risk of getting very intense spots or marks are:

  • Cut very small nails to avoid hurting the skin when itching; Apply an anti-allergic ointment, such as Polaramine, on the wounds that itch the most; Wear gloves or put a sock on your hands; Take a warm bath with 1/2 cup of oats in flakes and cold water 2 times a day; do not be exposed to the sun until the wounds are completely healed.

Another important tip is, when scratching, do not use your nails, but scratch the area with your hands closed, using the "knot" of your fingers and never remove the scabs that are on the wounds.

The spots of chicken pox should come out in approximately 1 month, but in some cases this stain can turn into a scar and it must be permanent, but despite that they can be removed with the use of aesthetic equipment, such as the laser, for example.

Check out other options to fight chickenpox itch.

Chicken pox spots: how to remove and prevent them from appearing