Home Bulls Slip hiatal hernia: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Slip hiatal hernia: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Slip hiatal hernia, also called type I hiatus hernia, is a condition that occurs when part of the stomach passes through the hiatus, which is an opening in the diaphragm. This process causes the stomach contents, such as food and gastric juice, to return to the esophagus giving a burning sensation and causing heartburn, stomach pain and reflux.

This type of hernia can reach a size of 1.5 to 2.5 cm in diameter and is diagnosed by a gastroenterologist through tests such as upper gastrointestinal endoscopy or esophageal phmetry.

Treatment for this health problem is usually done through the use of medications, such as gastric protectors and antacids, and changes in habits, such as avoiding alcoholic beverages and eating spicy foods, and in some cases surgery is indicated..

Main symptoms

Slip hiatal hernia is a disease that causes gastric contents to return to the esophagus and causes symptoms such as:

  • burning, stomach pain; pain to swallow; hoarseness; constant belching; nausea; regurgitation.

Most people who have hiatal hernia due to slipping also develop gastroesophageal reflux, initiating symptoms, so for confirmation of the diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist who may recommend some tests such as chest x-ray, esophageal manometry or digestive endoscopy high. Learn more about how endoscopy is performed.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for sliding hiatal hernia is indicated by a gastroenterologist and consists of the use of drugs that improve stomach motility, reduce gastric juice production and protect the stomach wall.

As with gastroesophageal reflux, some daily habits can be done to relieve the symptoms of this type of hernia, such as not fasting for a long time, eating fruit, eating meals in smaller portions, avoiding lying down soon after dinner and avoid consuming fatty and caffeine-rich foods. See more about the gastroesophageal reflux diet.

Surgery to correct this type of hernia is not indicated in all cases, being recommended only in situations in which reflux causes severe inflammation in the esophagus and which does not improve with treatment with diet and medication.

Possible causes

The exact cause of hiatal hernia due to sliding is not well established, however, the appearance of this condition is related to the loosening of the muscles between the abdomen and chest due to increased pressure between them, which may be associated with genetic factors, chronic cough by use smoking, obesity and pregnancy.

Some physical exercises, which require weight gain and certain types of physical trauma, can cause increased pressure in the region of the stomach and esophagus and can also lead to the appearance of hiatal hernia due to sliding.

How to prevent hiatal hernia by slipping

The measures to prevent a person from developing hiatal hernia by sliding are similar to the recommendations for the relief of the symptoms of reflux disease and are based on reducing the consumption of foods with a high fat and sugar content, as well as reducing the amount of use of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. In more severe cases it may be necessary to resort to surgery.

Slip hiatal hernia: what it is, symptoms and treatment