Home Bulls Penicillamine



Penicillamine is an oral medicine known commercially as Cuprimine.

It has anti-rheumatic and anti-urolytic properties, which in addition to assist in the treatment of arthritis, strengthen the immune system and prevent the body from kidney disease.

Penicillamine Indications

Rheumatoid arthritis; kidney stones; cystitis; Wilson's disease.

Side Effects of Penicillamine

Itching; enlarged ganglia; belly pain; yellow skin and eyes; diarrhea; liver infections; joint pain.

Contraindications for Penicillamine

Individuals hypersensitive to penicillin; anemic individuals.

How to use Penicillamine

Oral use


  • Wilson's disease: Use 250 mg, 4 times a day; Prevention of kidney stones: 500 mg, 4 times a day; Rheumatoid arthritis: Start treatment with 125 to 250 mg per day, and if necessary gradually increase the dose to 250 mg per day.


  • Wilson's disease: 20 mg daily, divided into 4 doses. Rheumatoid arthritis: Doses not established