Home Symptoms Heat stroke: what it is, main causes and how to avoid

Heat stroke: what it is, main causes and how to avoid


Heat stroke is a condition characterized by redness of the skin, headache, fever and, in some cases, a change in the level of consciousness that occurs due to the rapid rise in body temperature due to prolonged exposure to the sun, staying in a very hot environment or excessive physical activity, for example.

Although the sunstroke is very related to the fact that the person stays for a long time on the beach without any kind of protection, the person can have sunstroke while standing in a line, for example, just that the climate is hot and dry.

Heat stroke is more common in children and the elderly due to less ability to adapt to extreme conditions. Thus, it is recommended that heat stroke be treated as soon as possible to avoid complications, such as seizures and brain damage, for example.

Causes of heat stroke

The main cause of heat stroke is prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of sunscreen or a hat, for example, which causes the body temperature to rise rapidly, resulting in the symptoms of heat stroke.

In addition to excessive exposure to the sun, heat stroke can happen due to any situation that quickly raises the body temperature, such as excessive physical activity, wearing too many clothes and a very hot environment.

When the body temperature increases rapidly, the body's transpiration system fails, with no body temperature regulation and cooling, resulting in the symptoms of heat stroke.

Heat stroke symptoms

The main symptoms of heat stroke are red skin, swollen eyes, vomiting and, in some cases, altered consciousness. Thus, the person may have mental confusion, not knowing where he is or having difficulty thinking. Know how to recognize the symptoms of heat stroke.

How to avoid

To avoid heat stroke, it is recommended to wear light and fresh clothes, especially during physical activities, drink plenty of water during the day and, when going to the beach, use sunscreen and a hat, for example. In addition, it is important to avoid very hot places and to be exposed to the sun for a short time.

In case of sunstroke it is recommended to lower the body temperature gradually, so it is recommended to offer fresh water to the person and place it in the shade in a ventilated place, in addition to covering the skin with cloths soaked in fresh water. See what to do in case of heat stroke.

Heat stroke: what it is, main causes and how to avoid