Home Symptoms Methamphetamine: what it is and its effects on the body

Methamphetamine: what it is and its effects on the body


Methamphetamine is a synthetic drug, which is usually produced in illegal laboratories in the form of powder, pills or crystals. Thus, depending on the form the drug is in, it can be ingested, inhaled, smoked or injected.

Despite having been used for some years as a stimulant medicine, currently, methamphetamine is a substance banned by ANVISA. It should not be confused with amphetamine, which is still used as a medicine, in cases strictly indicated by the doctor, as a nervous system stimulant. Understand what amphetamines are and what their effects are.

How it is done

Methamphetamine is a drug manufactured in the laboratory, derived from amphetamine and, in clandestine laboratories, it can be obtained through the manipulation of ephedrine, a substance present in cold and flu remedies.

This drug comes in the form of a white, crystalline powder, odorless and with a bitter taste, which is soluble in liquids and is used improperly in several ways, inhaled, smoked, ingested or injected. It can also be transformed into methamphetamine hydrochloride, which has a crystallized form, which makes it smokable and with a greater potential to cause addiction.

What are the effects

Amphetamines have several effects on the body, as they potently increase brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Right after its consumption, some of the effects felt include euphoria, extroversion and energy, intensification of sexuality and inhibition of appetite.

People who use this drug may also have hallucinations and better performance in physical and intellectual tasks.

What are the risks associated with the use

The most common effects caused by methamphetamine are increased heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, causing intense sweating.

In high doses it can cause restlessness, irritability and panic attacks or even cause seizures and lead to death from respiratory failure, infarction or heart failure.

As this drug causes decreased appetite, its prolonged use can cause malnutrition, weight loss and psychological dependence. People who use methamphetamine for an extended period, when they stop using it, may experience a long period of anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders, headaches, dental problems, profound depression, cognitive impairments, tiredness and an aging appearance. Check for signs that someone is using drugs.

Methamphetamine: what it is and its effects on the body