Home Symptoms Main causes of lump in the groin, neck or armpit

Main causes of lump in the groin, neck or armpit


A tongue is the enlargement of the lymph nodes, or lymph nodes, which usually happens due to some infection or inflammation in the region where it appears. It manifests itself through one or more small nodules under the skin of the neck, head or groin, which may or may not be painful, and usually last between 3 and 30 days.

This happens because the lymph nodes are small structures that are part of the immune system and act as filters for substances or microorganisms, helping to fight infections because they attack and destroy the germs that are transported by the lymph fluid.

The presence of a lump in the groin, neck or armpit is also called adenopathy or lymph node disease, which most often represents a mild and transient inflammation, but which can also be caused by more serious diseases, such as cancer or autoimmune diseases, when it is persistent for more than 1 month, grows more than 2 cm or there are several scattered throughout the body, for example.

Main causes of lump in the groin, neck or armpit

The lymph nodes are spread over several regions of the body, but are usually perceived as lumps on the skin in the most superficial regions, such as the neck, armpits, groin or jaw, for example. The most common causes are:

1. Inflammation of the skin

Any type of inflammation can cause this lump, as the ganglia work as a filter against possible threats to the body. It is common for water to appear due to irritation of the skin due to the use of chemical substances, such as deodorant, or due to a small wound that occurs after epilation, folliculitis, ingrown hair or cuts that occur on a daily basis, in different parts of the body..

Inflammation that occurs in the airways or oral region, such as allergic rhinitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis or inflammation of a tooth, for example, are also important causes of enlarged lymph nodes.

2. Infections

Any type of infection causes a tongue, and some of the most common are colds, flu, otitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis or any type of virus, such as Zika or dengue, for example, which cause ganglia in the neck, neck, jaw or behind the ear.

Other types of infection such as pneumonia and bronchitis can also cause lymph nodes in the armpits, and, in addition, infections in the abdominal region, such as gastroenteritis, genitals, such as HPV, syphilis, candidiasis or vaginosis, and in the legs or feet, due to minor injuries, usually, cause ganglia in the groin.

3. Autoimmune diseases

Diseases that interfere with immunity can also cause lymph node enlargements, and some examples are lupus, arthritis, vasculitis and inflammatory bowel disease.

4. Cancer

Cancer is a rarer cause of lymph nodes, which can appear anywhere on the body and have a more hardened appearance, which does not disappear after 1 or 2 months and does not stop growing. Any type of cancer can cause strokes, but some more characteristic are lymphoma, breast cancer and lung cancer, for example.

When to go to the doctor

The lump in the groin, neck or armpit becomes of concern, indicating more serious diseases, such as cancer, lymphoma or ganglionic tuberculosis, for example, when:

  • It is located in the arms or around the collarbone; It is spread over various parts of the body; It measures more than 2.5 cm; It is hard and does not move; It does not improve after 1 month; It is accompanied by fever that does not improve in 1 week, night sweat, weight loss or malaise.

In these situations, care should be sought with a general practitioner, so that blood tests are carried out to assess infections or inflammations throughout the body. When the doubt persists, a lymph node biopsy may also be requested, which will demonstrate whether it has benign or malignant characteristics.

How to treat water

For the treatment of inflamed tongue, only rest and hydration are recommended, in addition to identifying and eliminating what is causing it, since it is not necessary to take any specific remedy to treat it. Thus, when the infection or inflammation is cured, the tongue will disappear, as it is only a response of the organism in relation to the combat of the aggressor agent.

Analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs, guided by the doctor, can relieve pain or tenderness in the area. A good home remedy is to drink eucalyptus tea and use clay compresses, as they help to deflame and strengthen the body's defenses. Check out the recipes for home remedy for water.

Main causes of lump in the groin, neck or armpit