Home Bulls What is the electra complex and how to deal

What is the electra complex and how to deal


The Electra complex is a normal phase of psychosexual development for most girls in which there is great affection for the father and a feeling of bitterness or ill will towards the mother, and it may even be possible for the girl to try to compete with the mother to try gain the father's attention.

Generally, this phase appears between the ages of 3 and 6, and is mild, but it can vary according to the girl and her degree of development. In most cases, the complex happens because the father is the girl's first contact with the opposite sex.

However, there may also be girls in which this complex does not appear, especially when they have contact with other children from an early age, starting with meeting other boys who attract attention by the opposite sex.

How to identify the Electra complex

Some signs that may indicate that the girl is entering the phase of the Electra complex include:

  • Need to always put yourself between the father and mother to keep them away; Uncontrolled crying when the father needs to leave the house; Feelings of great affection towards the father, which can lead the girl to verbalize the desire to marry the father one day; Negative feelings towards the mother, especially when the father is present.

These signs are normal and temporary, so they should not be a concern for parents. However, if they continue after the age of 7 or if they get worse over time, it may be important to see a psychopediatrician to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment, if necessary.

Is the Electra complex similar to the Oedipus complex?

At its base, the Electra and Oedipus complex are similar. While the Electra complex happens in the girl in relation to feelings of affection for the father, the Oedipus complex happens in the boy in relation to his mother.

However, the complexes were defined by different doctors, and the Oedipus complex was originally described by Freud, while the Electra complex was later described by Carl Jung. See more about the Oedipus complex and how it manifests in boys.

When it might be a problem

The Electra complex usually resolves itself, and without major complications, as the girl grows up and observes the way her mother acts in relation to the opposite sex. In addition, the mother also helps to establish limits in the relationships between family members, especially between the father-mother and the daughter-father.

However, when the mother is very absent or punishes the daughter for her actions during this period of her life, it may end up hampering the natural resolution of the complex, which causes the girl to maintain her strong feelings of affection for the father, which can end up becoming feelings of love, resulting in a poorly resolved Electra complex.

How to deal with the Electra complex

There is no right way to deal with the Electra complex, however, paying little attention to the verbalized feelings of love towards the father and avoiding punishing the girl for these actions seem to help her get over this phase faster and not enter a complex. of Electra poorly resolved.

Another important step is to show the role of the father, which, although it is of love, only serves to protect her and that his true companion is the mother.

After this phase, the girls usually stop showing resentment towards the mother and start to understand the role of both parents, starting to see the mother as a reference and the father as a model for the type of people who want a day with them.

What is the electra complex and how to deal