Home Symptoms Otoscopy: what it is and what it is for

Otoscopy: what it is and what it is for


Otoscopy is an examination performed by an otorhinolaryngologist who serves to assess the structures of the ear, such as the ear canal and eardrum, which is the very important membrane for hearing and which separates the inner ear from the external. This test can be done on adults and children using a device called an otoscope, which has a magnifying glass and a light attached to help visualize the ear.

After performing an otoscopy, the doctor can identify problems by observing secretions, obstruction and swelling of the ear canal, and may see redness, perforation and a change in the eardrum color and this may indicate infections, such as acute otitis media, for example. Learn to identify the symptoms of acute otitis media and how to treat.

What is it for

Otoscopy is the examination performed by the otorhinolaryngologist or general practitioner or pediatrician to visualize changes in the shape, color, mobility, integrity and vascularization of structures of the ear such as the ear canal and tympanic membrane, since the device used for this examination, the otoscope, has a coupled light and is able to enlarge the image up to two times.

These changes can cause symptoms such as itching, redness, difficulty hearing, pain and discharge of secretions from the ear and this can be a sign of problems in the ear, such as malformations, the presence of cysts and infections, such as acute otitis media and can also indicate the perforation of the eardrum, which must be evaluated by the doctor to check if there is a need for surgery. See how the treatment for perforated eardrum is done.

To confirm the diagnosis of an ear disease, the doctor may also indicate other tests complementary to otoscopy, which may be pneumo-otoscopy, which is when a small rubber is attached to the otoscope to check the mobility of the eardrum, and audiometry, which assesses mobility and pressure variations of the eardrum and ear canal.

How the exam is done

The otoscopy exam serves to examine the ear and is performed according to the following steps:

  1. Before the exam, the person should be in a sitting position, which is the most common way to perform the exam; First, the doctor evaluates the structure of the outer ear, observing if the person has pain when squeezing a specific place or if he has any injury or wound in this region; if the doctor observes the presence of too much wax in the ear, it will clean it, because the excess wax disturbs the visualization of the inner part of the ear; then, the doctor will move the ear upwards and if you are a child, pull the ear down, and insert the tip of the otoscope into the ear hole; the doctor will do an analysis of the structures of the ear, looking at the images in the otoscope, which works like a magnifying glass; if secretions or fluids are observed, the doctor can make a collection to send to the laboratory; at the end of the examination, the doctor removes the otoscope and cleans the speculum, which is the tip of the otoscope that is inserted into the ear.

The doctor will do this process first in the ear without symptoms and then in the ear where the person complains of pain and itching, for example, so that if there is an infection it does not pass from one ear to the other.

This examination can also be indicated to identify any foreign object inside the ear and, often, it may be necessary to perform otoscopy with the aid of video, which allows the visualization of the structures of the ear in a very magnified way through a monitor.

How the preparation should be

For otoscopy in adults, no type of preparation needs to be done, since in children it is necessary to keep them embraced with the mother, so that it is possible to hold the arms with one hand and the other hand is supporting the child's head, and so she is calm and relaxed. This position prevents the child from moving and hurting the ear at the time of the exam.

Otoscopy: what it is and what it is for