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Pain in the penis: 5 possible causes and what to do


Penile pain is uncommon, but when it arises, it is usually not an alarm signal, as it is more frequent after strokes in the region or after a more intense intimate relationship, with a lasting erection, for example, eventually disappearing with time and without needing specific treatment.

However, when there is no apparent cause for the onset of pain, it can also be a sign of a problem, which needs to be treated, such as inflammation of the prostate or some sexually transmitted disease.

Thus, whenever the pain lasts more than 3 days, it is important to go to the urologist, to identify the correct cause and start the appropriate treatment, if necessary. In addition, if the pain is related to an erection that lasts for more than 4 hours, it is also essential to consult the doctor urgently to rule out a disease called priapism.

Better understand what priapism is, how to identify and how to treat it.

1. Penile allergy

Several men are sensitive to some types of tissue or intimate hygiene products, so if you are using synthetic underwear or if you are applying a product to your intimate area, it is possible that a small inflammation of the penis will appear.

Although most of the time, this inflammation causes only mild discomfort and an itchy sensation, it can, in some men, cause pain, especially when moving around.

What to do: the ideal is to always use underwear from natural materials, such as cotton, avoiding synthetic fabrics such as lycra or polyester. In addition, you should also avoid placing any type of product in the intimate area, which is not your own. If there is a lot of discomfort, you should go to the urologist, as there are creams that can relieve irritation.

2. Candidiasis

Candidiasis arises due to the overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans , which causes intense inflammation of the penis, especially in the glans region. In these cases, the most frequent symptom is a constant itching sensation, but pain, swelling and redness may also appear. Check how to confirm if it is a case of candidiasis.

Although candidiasis is more common in women, it can also happen in men, especially if you have diabetes, poor personal hygiene or weakened immune systems.

What to do: it is usually necessary to use an antifungal ointment, such as Clotrimazole or Nystatin, for about 1 week, and in some cases, the combination of the ointment with pills. Therefore, it is important to consult the urologist to find out the best ointment for each case.

3. Urinary infection

The most common symptom of urinary tract infection is burning or pain when urinating, however, it is also possible that the man will experience slight discomfort during the day. In these cases, the pain can radiate throughout the groin or, also, appear in the bottom of the back.

Other frequent symptoms include urgent urge to urinate, strong-smelling urine and low-grade fever, for example.

What to do: It is important to see a urologist as soon as a urinary tract infection is suspected, as the infection can develop and reach the kidneys. In addition, the doctor also needs to prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria that may be causing the infection. See other symptoms of urinary tract infection and how to treat it.

4. Inflammation of the prostate

Inflammation of the prostate, also known as prostatitis, can happen when an infection occurs in this gland, and usually the most common symptoms include the appearance of pain that can stay in the genital region or spread to other places, such as the anus, for example. However, the most characteristic symptom is pain that arises after urinating or ejaculating.

What to do: whenever there is a suspicion of inflammation of the prostate it is very important to consult the urologist, to identify the cause and start the most appropriate treatment, which may involve the use of antibiotics and analgesics. See other symptoms that indicate an inflammation of the prostate and how the treatment is done.

5. Sexually transmitted diseases

Different sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, gonorrhea or chlamydia can cause pain in the penis, especially due to inflammation of the tissues. However, other signs such as pus coming out of the penis, redness, sores, swelling of the glans and discomfort during the day are also common.

STDs are acquired through intimate contact without a condom, so the best way to avoid contamination with these diseases and, consequently, pain in the penis, is to use a condom, especially if you have different partners.

What to do: Each case must be evaluated individually to identify the correct disease and start the best treatment. Thus, it is important to go to the urologist. Check out a summary of the main STDs and their treatment.

When to go to the doctor

The best option is always to go to the urologist when pain in the penis arises, especially if there is no apparent cause. However, it is advisable to go to the doctor as soon as possible if symptoms such as:

  • Bleeding; Exit of pus through the penis; Pain associated with a very long erection without apparent cause; Fever; Very severe itching; Swelling of the penis.

In addition, if the pain lasts more than 3 days or worsens over time, it is also important to consult the doctor to start the most appropriate treatment, even if it is just to relieve discomfort with painkillers, for example.

Pain in the penis: 5 possible causes and what to do