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Peeing pain: 8 most common causes


Pain when urinating, known as dysuria, is usually caused by a urinary tract infection and is a very common problem in women, especially during pregnancy. However, it can also occur in men, children or babies, and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as burning or difficulty urinating.

In addition to urinary tract infection, pain when urinating can also arise when there are problems such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, inflammation of the uterus, bladder tumor or when you have kidney stones, for example.

Thus, in order to make the correct diagnosis and start the most appropriate treatment, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist or urologist, who, according to the symptoms described by the patient and an appropriate clinical evaluation, may indicate the performance of diagnostic tests, such as urine tests..

Possible causes of pain when urinating

Pain when urinating can arise due to several problems such as:

1. Cystitis

Cystitis is a urinary tract infection that affects the bladder and causes other symptoms such as frequent urge to urinate, burning sensation, presence of blood in the urine, fever, malaise and cloudy and / or dark urine. Learn more about this disease.

2. Pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis is an infection of the kidneys that can also cause fever, pain in the back and smelly urine. See what causes and symptoms of pyelonephritis.

3. Urethritis

Urethritis is a urinary tract infection that affects only the urethra, generating symptoms such as frequent urge to urinate, itchy urethra or difficulty urinating. See what causes urethritis and how treatment is done.

4. Cervicitis or vulvovaginitis

These diseases only happen in women due to inflammation of the vulva or uterus, and are accompanied by other symptoms such as yellow discharge, fever above 38ÂșC and vaginal bleeding. See what causes may be the cause of vulvovaginitis.

5. Kidney stone

A kidney stone, also called a kidney stone, is a mass similar to stones that can form anywhere in the urinary system, creating difficulty and pain when urinating. Know the causes and symptoms and how the treatment is done.

6. Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, can occur in both men and women and generate other symptoms such as greenish discharge, burning in the urethra and fever. Find out which are the most common STDs.

7. Benign prostatic hypertrophy

Benign prostatic hypertrophy is characterized by an enlarged man's prostate which, in addition to pain, can cause difficulty in urinating and a frequent desire to go to the bathroom. According to some studies, there is no clear relationship between the size of the prostate and the frequency and severity of symptoms. Race, diet and family history can influence the development of the disease.

8. Cancer

The growth of a tumor in the bladder, uterus or prostate can cause painful urination and other symptoms such as constant pain, blood in the urine, weight loss without apparent cause or excessive tiredness, for example.

Since all causes have very similar symptoms, the best way to identify the problem is to go to the gynecologist or urologist for urine tests, blood tests, ultrasound of the bladder, examination of the uterus and vagina, digital rectal examination, gynecological ultrasound or abdominal, for example.

Other pain symptoms when urinating

Dysuria causes sharp pain when urinating, but other common symptoms in these cases also include:

  • Having the urge to urinate many times; Inability to release more than small amounts of urine, followed by the need to urinate again; Burning and burning and burning with urine; Feeling of heaviness when urinating; Pain in the abdomen or back;

In addition to these symptoms, others may also appear, such as chills, fever, vomiting, discharge or itching of the genitals. If you have any of these symptoms, you are more likely to have a urinary tract infection, so see what other signs may indicate urinary tract infection.

How the treatment is done

To relieve pain when urinating it is always necessary to go to the doctor, to find out what the cause of the pain is and to do the indicated treatment.

Thus, in the case of a urinary, vaginal or prostate infection, antibiotics prescribed by the doctor are indicated. In addition, you can take a pain reliever, such as Paracetamol, which helps to relieve discomfort, but does not treat the disease.

In addition, when a tumor occurs in the genitals, it may be necessary to have surgery for its removal and treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy to cure the disease.

Peeing pain: 8 most common causes