Home Symptoms What can be lung pain (and what to do)

What can be lung pain (and what to do)


Generally, when a person says he has pain in the lung, it means that he has pain in the chest area, this is because the lung has almost no pain receptors. So, although sometimes the pain is related to problems in the lungs, that pain may also be caused by problems in other organs, or even be related to the muscles or joints.

Ideally, whenever you experience any discomfort in the chest area, which does not improve over time, which worsens quickly or does not disappear after 24 hours, you go to a medical service for evaluation, request for tests when necessary and check for heart problems.. Check out what can cause chest pain and what to do.

However, some of the most common causes of lung pain include:

1. Pleurisy

Also known as pleuritis, it is characterized by inflammation of the pleura, which is the membrane that lines the lungs and the interior of the chest, which can cause symptoms such as pain in the chest and ribs when breathing deeply, coughing and difficulty breathing.

This problem usually arises due to the accumulation of fluid between the two layers of the pleura, being more frequent in people with respiratory problems, such as flu, pneumonia or lung infections. Check in more detail the symptoms that may indicate pleurisy.

What to do: whenever pleurisy is suspected, it is very important to go to a doctor or consult a pulmonologist to confirm the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment. Treatment depends on the cause of the pleurisy, but the symptoms can be relieved with anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, for example, prescribed by the doctor.

2. Respiratory infection

Lung infections, such as tuberculosis or pneumonia, can also cause chest pain, manifesting with symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, excess mucus production, coughing with or without blood, fever, chills and night sweats. Here's how to identify a respiratory infection.

What to do: If you suspect a lung infection, you should immediately go to the doctor to prevent the problem from getting worse. Generally, initial treatment is done with antibiotics and other medications to relieve other symptoms.

3. Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs that causes irritation and inflammation of the airways and in an attack situation, it can cause chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breath and cough. Better understand what asthma is.

What to do: Asthma is usually treated with corticosteroids and bronchodilators, which are often used throughout life. In addition, there are other ways to prevent crises, such as not having animals in the house, keeping the house clean, avoiding carpets and curtains and staying away from smokers. Learn more about treatment.

4. Pulmonary embolism

Also known as pulmonary thrombosis, it is an emergency situation characterized by the clogging of a blood vessel in the lung, usually due to a clot, which prevents the passage of blood, causing the progressive death of the affected region, resulting in pain when breathing and shortness of breath that starts suddenly and worsens with time. In addition, the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases, which causes the organs of the body to be affected by the lack of oxygen.

Embolism is more common in people who have had a thrombosis or have had recent surgery or have had to move for a long time.

What to do: the person who suffers from pulmonary embolism, must be assisted urgently and the treatment consists of the administration of injectable anticoagulants, such as heparin, for example, which will help to dissolve the clot, so that the blood circulates again. In addition, it may also be necessary to take painkillers, to relieve chest pain, and perform other procedures depending on the severity of the patient's condition. Learn more about treatment for pulmonary embolism.

5. Pulmonary atelectasis

Pulmonary atelectasis is characterized by a respiratory complication that prevents the necessary air passage, due to a collapse of the pulmonary alveoli, which usually occurs due to cystic fibrosis or tumors and lung injuries.

This condition can cause severe difficulty in breathing, persistent cough and constant chest pain. Learn more about pulmonary atelectasis.

What to do: Any changes that cause severe difficulty in breathing should be evaluated by a pulmonologist as soon as possible. So, the ideal is to go to the hospital. Treatment depends on the cause of pulmonary atelectasis and in more severe cases it may be necessary to resort to surgery to clear the airways or even remove the affected region of the lung.

6. Anxiety crisis

In situations of anxiety or panic attacks, some people may experience chest pain, as they breathe more quickly, which can lead to an imbalance between the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide, also causing dizziness, headache and difficulties in breathing. concentration. Here's how to identify an anxiety attack.

What to do: A good way to try to reduce anxiety and relieve pain is to take breaths into a paper bag for at least 5 minutes, trying to control your breathing. If the pain does not improve, it is advisable to go to the hospital.

What can be lung pain (and what to do)