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What can be high or low segmented neutrophils


The increase and decrease in the amount of segmented neutrophils in the blood may indicate what is happening in the body. In the case of an infection, for example, the number of segments may be increased as the immune system is working to fight the infection. However, segmented neutrophils may have their quantity decreased in stressful situations, mainly, with not only a decrease in segmented ones, but also in other white blood cells.

Segmented neutrophils are cells responsible for defending the organism and are found in greater amounts in the blood when compared to other neutrophils.

High segmented neutrophils

The increase in the amount of segmented neutrophils in the blood is called neutrophilia and it happens when the number of segmented is greater than 8000 / µL, or according to the maximum value established by the laboratory, which can happen due to some situations, such as:

  • Infections by fungi, viruses or bacteria; Inflammation; Rapid growth tumors, such as those in the digestive tract or liver; Hemorrhage; Use of some medications, such as corticosteroids, for example; Insect bites; Infarction; After intense physical activity; After surgery.

In addition, the increased amount of segmented neutrophils can happen during delivery and in newborns a few days after delivery. It is up to the doctor to evaluate the blood count as a whole, in addition to the results of other tests requested, to verify the cause of the increase in segmented neutrophils and, thus, indicate the appropriate treatment. Learn about some other causes of neutrophil growth.

Low segmented neutrophils

The decrease in the amount of segmented neutrophils in the blood is called neutropenia and occurs when the value is below 1600 / µL, or according to the minimum value determined by the laboratory.

The decrease in segmented can happen due to changes in bone marrow activity, neonatal infection by viruses or bacteria, during chemotherapy, alcoholism and autoimmune diseases, for example.

Reference value

The reference value for segmented neutrophils is indicated on the white blood cell, which is one of the parts of the blood test that analyzes only white blood cells, that is, lymphocytes and neutrophils, including segmented ones. The reference value of segmented neutrophils can vary between laboratories, however values ​​between 1600 and 8000 / µL can be considered normal. Learn more about the WBC.

If you have any questions about the white blood cell result and want to know the possible cause of the increase or decrease in the segmented ones, just include your data in the calculator below:

What can be high or low segmented neutrophils