Home Symptoms 5 Main causes of stabbing in the head

5 Main causes of stabbing in the head


The pricks in the head usually happen due to sleepless nights, excessive stress, tiredness, dehydration or colds, being most of the time indicative of migraine or tension headache, for example.

However, when the headaches are persistent and do not go away even with the use of medications, it is important to go to the neurologist or general practitioner to investigate the cause, since the stitches in the head can be indicative of stroke, aneurysm or brain tumor, for example.

Causes of stitches in the head

1. Tension headache

Tension headache, also called tension headache, usually happens due to poor posture, anxiety, insomnia, sleepless nights and stress, which can be perceived through a diffuse headache that is located on the forehead, but which can be spread to the temples and even affect the neck and face. This type of headache is not accompanied by other visual or gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting or nausea.

What to do: The best way to relieve this type of headache is through relaxation techniques, such as massaging the head to relieve tension. In addition, it is another good option to take a hot bath, as it also helps you relax. If the pain is frequent or the relaxation techniques are not enough, it may be necessary to take analgesic medications, for example, to relieve pain, such as Ibuprofen or Aspirin, for example. Learn more about relieving tension headache.

2. Migraine

Migraine is characterized by severe and constant pain on one side of the head, which can arise after periods of stress, excessive exercise or consumption of certain more stimulating foods. In addition to the headache, migraine may be accompanied by changes in vision, nausea, dizziness, changes in sleep and sensitivity to some smells, for example.

What to do: Migraine symptoms can be relieved through natural measures, such as meditation or consumption of teas with relaxing properties, such as mugwort tea, for example. In addition, the use of medications that help relieve pain, such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and Aspirin, for example, may be indicated by the doctor. Meet 4 treatment options for migraine.

3. Stroke

Stroke or stroke usually happens due to decreased blood flow to the brain, resulting in some symptoms, such as severe headache, vision change, loss of sensation in one part of the body and difficulty raising the arm or catching some object, for example. Check out other stroke symptoms.

What to do: The treatment for stroke has the objective of relieving symptoms and preventing the onset of sequelae, and physiotherapy is usually recommended, as it helps to recover mobility, occupational therapy and speech therapy, for example. In addition, it is recommended to follow a diet recommended by the nutritionist, as one of the reasons why there may be a stroke is poor eating habits, which can cause fat to accumulate in the arteries, decreasing blood flow.

4. Cerebral aneurysm

Cerebral aneurysm corresponds to the permanent dilation of a blood vessel that carries blood to the brain and that can cause intense and persistent headaches, in addition to double vision, mental confusion, nausea, vomiting and fainting, for example. Learn all about cerebral aneurysm.

What to do: The treatment for cerebral aneurysm is done according to the analysis of the aneurysm by the doctor. Usually when the aneurysm is not ruptured, the doctor chooses not to perform the specific treatment, as there is a risk of the aneurysm rupturing during treatment, and the use of medications to relieve and control symptoms, such as Acetaminophen and Levetiracetam, is usually recommended.

If it is found that the aneurysm has ruptured, the neurologist immediately recommends hospitalization of the person so that a surgical procedure can be performed to close the blood vessel that was ruptured and, thus, avoid major bleeding and, consequently, the sequelae.

5. Brain tumor

The brain tumor can happen due to genetic alterations or due to the metastasis of other types of cancer and can cause symptoms according to the tumor's development site, there may be stitches in the head, changes in touch, muscle weakness, tingling in the body and imbalance, for example. However, the symptoms of the tumor may vary according to its size, location and its type.

What to do: In case of suspected brain tumor, it is recommended to seek help from the neurologist or general practitioner so that tests can be carried out and can identify the location and size of the tumor, and can start treatment. In the case of small tumors, the removal of the tumor through surgery may be recommended by the doctor. In the case of tumors of medium or large size, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are usually indicated. Understand how treatment for brain tumor is done.

5 Main causes of stabbing in the head