Home Symptoms Noise in the belly: what can be and what to do

Noise in the belly: what can be and what to do


Noises in the belly, also called borborigm, is a normal situation and is most often indicative of hunger, since due to the increase in the amount of hormones responsible for the feeling of hunger, there is contraction of the intestine and stomach, resulting in noises.

In addition to hunger, noise can also be a consequence of the digestive process or the presence of gases. However, when the noises are accompanied by other symptoms such as pain and enlarged abdomen, for example, it can be indicative of infections, inflammations or intestinal obstruction, and it is important to go to the doctor for tests to identify the cause and start treatment. appropriate.

What can it be

Noises in the belly are normal, especially after a meal, as the intestinal walls contract to facilitate the passage of food and promote digestion. These noises can appear while the person is awake or even during sleep, and may or may not be heard.

For the noises to exist, the intestinal walls must contract and there must be liquid and / or gases in the intestine. Thus, the main causes of noises in the belly are:

1. Hunger

Hunger is one of the main causes of noise in the belly, because when we feel hungry there is an increase in the concentration of some substances in the brain that guarantee the sensation of hunger and that sends signals to the intestine and stomach, inducing the contraction of these organs and leading to emergence of noises.

What to do: When hunger is the cause of noises in the belly, the best thing to do is to eat, giving preference to healthy foods and rich in fiber to favor bowel movement and digestion.

2. Gases

The presence of a greater quantity of gases in relation to the quantity of liquid that passes through the digestive system also leads to the appearance of noises.

What to do: In these cases it is important to have a diet poor in foods that cause gases, such as beans and cabbage, for example, because they ferment a lot during the digestive process and increase the amount of gases produced in the body, which results in noise.

See in the video below what to do to end the gas:

3. Gastrointestinal infections and inflammations

Noises can also happen due to infections and intestinal inflammation, especially in the case of Crohn's disease. In these cases, in addition to borborigm, other symptoms usually appear, such as abdominal pain and discomfort, malaise, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.

What to do: As soon as these symptoms appear it is important to go to the emergency room or the hospital to avoid dehydration, nutritional deficiencies or other complications. In addition, it is important to rest, have a healthy diet and use medications only if indicated by the doctor.

4. Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction can also lead to the appearance of noises in the belly, because because of the difficulty of passing fluids and gases through the intestinal tract, the intestine itself increases the amount of peristaltic movements to facilitate the passage of these fluids and gases, also leading to increased noises.

Intestinal obstruction can have several causes, such as the presence of worms, intestinal endometriosis, inflammatory diseases and the presence of hernias, for example, with not only the noises in the belly but also other symptoms, such as abdominal pain, very strong colic, decreased appetite and nausea, for example. Learn more about intestinal obstruction.

What to do: Treatment for intestinal obstruction varies according to the cause, and it is important that it be done in the hospital to avoid the appearance of complications.

5. Hernia

Hernia is a situation characterized by the exit of a part of the intestine out of the body, which can result in intestinal obstruction and, consequently, in the sounds of the belly. In addition, other symptoms may appear, such as pain, swelling, local redness, nausea and vomiting.

What to do: It is recommended that the person go to a surgeon immediately so that the severity of the hernia is evaluated and surgery is considered to avoid complications, such as strangulation of an organ in the abdominal region, which leads to decreased blood circulation to the site and, consequently, necrosis. See how the treatment for abdominal hernia should be done.

When to go to the doctor

It is recommended to go to the doctor when, in addition to intestinal noises, other symptoms appear, such as:

  • Pain; Increased abdomen; Fever; Nausea; Vomiting: Frequent diarrhea or constipation; Presence of blood in the stool; Rapid weight loss and without apparent cause.

The general practitioner or gastroenterologist, according to the symptoms described by the person, can indicate the performance of some tests, such as computed tomography, endoscopy and blood tests so that the cause of the symptoms can be identified and the most appropriate treatment can be started.

Noise in the belly: what can be and what to do