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Blood pressure: what it is and how to measure correctly


Blood pressure is the value that represents the force that the blood makes against the blood vessels as it is pumped by the heart and circulates through the body.

The pressure considered normal is that which is close to 120x80 mmHg and, therefore, whenever it is above this value, the person is considered hypertensive and, when it is below it, the person is hypotensive. In either case, the pressure must be correctly regulated, to ensure the proper functioning of the entire cardiovascular system.

To measure blood pressure, manual techniques such as a sphygmomanometer or digital devices can be used, which are sold in pharmacies and some medical stores and which are easy to use at home. Watch in this video the necessary steps to measure the pressure correctly:

Blood pressure should not be measured with fingers or a wristwatch, as this method only helps to measure heart rate, which is the number of heartbeats per minute. Also see how to correctly rate your heart rate.

How to measure pressure correctly

Blood pressure should be ideally measured:

  • In the morning and before taking any medicine; After urinating and resting for at least 5 minutes; Sitting and with relaxed arm.

In addition, it is very important not to drink coffee, alcoholic beverages or smoke 30 minutes beforehand, as well as maintaining normal breathing, not crossing your legs and avoid talking during the measurement.

The cuff must also be suitable for the arm, not too wide or too tight. In the case of obese people, the alternative for measuring the pressure can be by placing the cuff on the forearm.

Some devices can also measure blood pressure in the fingers, however they are not reliable and, therefore, should not be used in more sensitive situations, as blood pressure in the extremities is different from the pressure in the rest of the body. In addition, the measurement of blood pressure in the thigh or calf is only recommended when the person has some contraindication to take the measurement in the upper limbs, such as having some type of catheter or having had surgery to remove lymph nodes.

1. With the digital device

To measure blood pressure with the digital device, the device clamp should be placed 2 to 3 cm above the arm fold, tightening it so that the clamp wire is over the arm, as shown in the image. Then, with your elbow resting on the table and your palm facing up, turn on the device and wait until it takes the blood pressure reading.

There are digital devices with a pump, so in these cases, to fill the cuff, you must tighten the pump to 180 mmHg, waiting after the device takes the blood pressure reading. If the arm is too thick or too thin, it may be necessary to use a larger or smaller clamp.

2. With the sphygmomanometer

To measure blood pressure manually with a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope, you must:

  1. Try to feel the pulse in the fold of the left arm, placing the head of the stethoscope in that place; Place the device clamp 2 to 3 cm above the fold of the same arm, tightening it so that the clamp wire is over the arm; Close the pump valve and with the stethoscope in your ears, fill the cuff to 180 mmHg or until you stop hearing sounds in the stethoscope; Open the valve slowly, while looking at the pressure gauge. The moment the first sound is heard, the pressure indicated on the manometer must be registered, as it is the first blood pressure value; Continue to empty the cuff until no sound is heard. The moment you stop hearing sounds, you must record the pressure indicated on the manometer, as it is the second value of blood pressure; Add the first value to the second to obtain blood pressure. For example, when the first value is 130 mmHg and the second is 70 mmHg, blood pressure is 13 x 7.

Measuring blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer is not simple and, therefore, this measurement must be done by a nurse or doctor.

3. With wrist device

To measure blood pressure by the wrist alone, the device should be placed on the left wrist with the monitor facing inwards, as shown in the image, resting the elbow on the table, with the palm facing up and waiting for the device to perform the blood pressure reading. It is important that the wrist is positioned at the heart level so that the result is more reliable.

This device should not be used in all cases, as in the case of atherosclerosis. Therefore, before buying a device, you should consult a pharmacist or nurse.

When to assess pressure

The pressure must be measured:

  • In people with hypertension at least once a week; In healthy people, once a year, as high blood pressure does not always cause symptoms; When there are symptoms such as dizziness, headache or vision, for example.

In some cases, the nurse or doctor may recommend a more regular medication, and it is important that the person records the values ​​obtained so that the health professional can compare.

Where to measure pressure

Blood pressure can be measured at home, in pharmacies or in the emergency room, and at home, one should choose to measure blood pressure with a digital device instead of measuring it manually, as it is easier and faster.

Blood pressure: what it is and how to measure correctly