Home Symptoms Pica syndrome: what it is, why it happens and what to do

Pica syndrome: what it is, why it happens and what to do


The pica syndrome, also known as picamalacia, is a situation characterized by the desire to eat "strange" things, substances that are inedible or have little or no nutritional value, such as stones, chalk, soap or earth, for example.

This type of syndrome is more common during pregnancy and in children and is usually a sign that indicates some type of nutritional deficiency. For example, in the case of the person who wants to eat brick, it usually indicates that they lack iron.

Consuming food out of its usual form, that is, combined with other unusual foods, such as coriander with saffron and salt, can also be considered a type of this syndrome. In any case, it is important to consult a doctor to identify which nutrient may be missing and to start the most appropriate treatment.

How to identify the syndrome

The pica syndrome, or pica, is characterized by the consumption of substances or things that are not considered foods and that have little or no nutritional value, such as:

  • Brick; Earth or clay; Ice; Ink; Soap; Ash; Burnt matchstick; Glue; Paper; Coffee grounds; Green fruits; Plastic.

In addition, the person with pica may have a desire to consume food in an unconventional way, such as mixing raw potato and boiled egg or watermelon with margarine. In spite of being mainly related to eating disorders, pichalacia can also be related to hormonal and psychological changes, which is why medical, nutritional and psychological monitoring is important in this situation.

Prick syndrome in pregnancy

The pica syndrome in pregnancy should be identified as soon as possible so that complications can be avoided for the baby, as it usually indicates that the pregnant woman is not consuming the proper amount of nutrients. When this happens, there is a greater risk that the baby will be born with low weight, that the birth will be premature or that the child's cognitive changes will appear.

Furthermore, as in this syndrome there is a desire to ingest inappropriate substances, toxic substances can be consumed that can cross the placental barrier and reach the baby, which can compromise their development, favor abortion or death even during the gestational period.

How is the treatment

In order to make an adequate treatment it is very important that the doctor and the nutritionist identify the person's eating habits, in addition to recommending tests to identify nutritional deficiencies. This helps to guide the person to eat more appropriately and, if necessary, to start supplementing vitamins and minerals.

In addition, if it is found that the pichmalacia is related to constipation, anemia or intestinal obstruction, the doctor may also recommend other more targeted treatments. In some cases, monitoring with a psychologist or psychiatrist can also be important, as it helps to understand that that habit is not appropriate, especially for people who do not have any type of nutritional deficiency that justifies the behavior.

Pica syndrome: what it is, why it happens and what to do