Home Symptoms Lymphocytes in urine: what they are and what they may indicate

Lymphocytes in urine: what they are and what they may indicate


Lymphocytes correspond to white blood cells, also called leukocytes, which can be observed during microscopic examination of urine, being completely normal when up to 5 lymphocytes are found per field or 10, 000 lymphocytes per ml of urine. As these cells are related to the defense of the organism, it is possible that during some infection or inflammation an increase in the amount of lymphocytes in the urine is noticed.

The count of lymphocytes in the urine is done in the examination of common urine, also called urine summary, type I urine or EAS, in which other characteristics of the urine are also analyzed, such as density, pH, presence of compounds in abnormal amounts, such as glucose, proteins, blood, ketones, nitrite, bilirubin, crystals or cells. Learn more about what it is for and how the urine test is done.

What they can indicate

The presence of lymphocytes in the urine is normally considered normal when up to 5 lymphocytes are found per analyzed field or 10, 000 lymphocytes per mL of urine. The increase in the amount of lymphocytes in the urine is called pyuria and is considered when the amount is greater than 5 lymphocytes per field.

Usually pyuria occurs due to inflammation, infection of the urinary system or kidney problem. However, it is important that the value of the lymphocytes is interpreted by the doctor together with the result of the other parameters released in the urine test, such as the presence of nitrite, epithelial cells, microorganisms, pH, presence of crystals and color of the urine, in addition to the symptoms presented by the person, so that it is possible to confirm the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment. Know the causes of high leukocytes in urine.

How to know if it is urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection occurs when microorganisms, most commonly bacteria, reach and cause inflammation in the urinary tract, such as the urethra, bladder, ureters and kidneys. The amount of bacteria detected in the urine that indicates urinary infection is 100, 000 bacterial colony forming units per mL of urine, which must be observed in the urine culture.

Some of the signs and symptoms associated with urinary tract infection include pain or burning when urinating, frequent urge to urinate, cloudy or smelly urine, blood in the urine, abdominal pain, fever and chills. Check out how to identify the main symptoms of urinary tract infection.

In addition, the signs of the urine test that indicate infection, in addition to the increase in the number of lymphocytes, are the presence of blood evidence, such as red blood cells or hemoglobin, positive nitrite or bacteria, for example.

Lymphocytes in urine: what they are and what they may indicate