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Hermaphroditism: what it is and how the diagnosis is made


The hermaphroditic person is one who has two genitals, both male and female, at the same time, and can be identified right at birth. The causes of hermaphroditism are not yet well established, but one of the theories is that there were genetic changes during the baby's development.

Another form of hermaphroditism is one where the child is born with a well-defined external genital region, but has other important gonadal changes, such as a boy who, when he reaches adolescence, menstruates and develops breasts, for example.

The treatment for hermaphroditism varies according to the age at which it was identified, and hormonal replacement and surgery can be performed to define the gender, according to the person's identification.

Types of hermaphroditism

Hermaphroditism can be classified into two main types according to the sexual organs present in true hermaphrodite and pseudohermaphrodite, which can be both female and male:

  1. True hermaphrodite : True hermaphrodite is a rare condition in which the child is born with well-formed internal and external female and male sexual organs, although only one develops normally, leaving the other stunted. There are rare cases of true hermaphroditism in which there is both normal and genital development at the same time. Male pseudohermaphrodite : The male pseudohermaphrodite is one in which the person is born with the female genitalia, but without the ovaries and uterus, but the testicles are housed within the pelvic cavity. Female pseudo-hermaphrodite : The female pseudo-hermaphrodite happens when the person is born with the ovaries, but the male external genitalia is well defined, this usually occurs due to the abnormal development of the clitoris, which starts to have a shape similar to the penis. Understand more about pseudohermaphroditism.

The causes of human hermaphroditism have not yet been fully clarified, but one of the theories is that the egg may have been fertilized by 2 different sperm or that there have been important genetic changes during the baby's development.

How to identify

Hermaphroditism can be identified at birth or during adolescence through laboratory and imaging tests. If menstruation is noted in men or the presence of a penis-like structure in women, it is important to consult a doctor to make the diagnosis.

How the treatment is done

Treatment depends on the age at which the diagnosis was made, and may be through hormone replacement or surgery to define sex. When identified at birth, sex is defined based on the characteristics of birth, and surgery is performed. However, if identified in adolescence, the sex decision is made by the person based on their social identification.

Hormone replacement is indicated by the doctor to stimulate the development of characteristics related to the sex chosen by the person, which can be done with estrogen, for the development of female characteristics, or testosterone for the development of male characteristics.

In addition, it is important to have psychological counseling to assist in the process of acceptance of the body and reduce feelings of anguish and fear, for example.

Hermaphroditism: what it is and how the diagnosis is made