Home Symptoms What high or low platelets mean (and how to identify)

What high or low platelets mean (and how to identify)


Platelets, also known as thrombocytes, are blood cells produced by the bone marrow and are responsible for the blood clotting process, with a higher production of platelets when there is bleeding, for example, preventing excessive blood loss.

The platelet reference value is between 150, 000 and 450, 000 platelets / µL of blood, however some conditions can interfere with the platelet production process, with an increase or decrease in its concentration in the blood, this condition being called thrombocytopenia.

Not only is the platelet count important, but also the quality of the platelets produced by the bone marrow. Some diseases related to the quality of platelets are von Willebrand's Disease, which is related to the clotting process, Scott's Syndrome, Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia and Bernard-Soulier's Syndrome. In addition, it is important to be aware of hemoglobin values, which can indicate diseases such as anemia, leukemia and pulmonary emphysema.

High platelets

The increase in the number of platelets, also called thrombocytosis or thrombocytosis, can happen due to pathological or physiological causes, with intense exercise, labor, high altitude, smoking, stress or use of adrenaline, for example.

The main pathological causes of thrombocytosis are:

  • Severe hemolytic anemia; Iron deficiency anemia; Myeloproliferative syndromes, such as essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia Vera and myelofibrosis; Sarcoidosis; Acute and chronic infections; Leukemia; After acute hemorrhage; After removal of the spleen, known as splenectomy; Neoplasms; Ulcerative colitis; After operations.

It is important that the cause of the platelet increase is identified so that the doctor can indicate the best treatment option.

Low platelets

In addition to thrombocytosis, another disorder related to the amount of platelets is thrombocytopenia, which corresponds to the decrease in platelets in the blood, which can happen due to the use of some medications, pernicious anemia, autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, and nutritional deficiencies, for example. Learn about other causes of thrombocytopenia and how to treat it.

How to identify

Normally, the increase in the number of platelets does not cause symptoms, being perceived from the performance of the blood count, which is the blood test that assesses the quantity and characteristics of the blood cells.

In some cases there may be the appearance of symptoms, which may vary according to the cause, the main ones being nausea, vomiting, dizziness and tingling in the extremities.

How to decrease high platelets

According to the concentration of platelets in the blood, the presence of symptoms and the person's general condition, the general practitioner or hematologist may recommend the use of acetylsalicylic acid in order to reduce the risk of thrombosis, or hydroxyurea, which is a drug capable of to decrease the production of blood cells by the bone marrow.

In addition, if the platelet concentration is too high to the point of putting the patient's life at risk due to the high chance of clot formation, therapeutic thrombocytoapheresis may be recommended, which is a procedure by which it is extracted, with the the aid of a device, the excess of platelets, being, therefore, able to balance the values ​​of circulating platelets.

What high or low platelets mean (and how to identify)