Home Symptoms Obstetrician



The obstetrician is the doctor who specializes in monitoring pregnancy and delivering babies. During pregnancy, the presence of the obstetrician is important because it is he who performs the prenatal care requesting the necessary tests to assess the health of the woman and the baby, such as blood tests and ultrasounds.

Consultations with the obstetrician should be carried out at least once a month until 35 weeks of gestation. Thereafter, consultations can be made every 8 or 15 days depending on each case.

It is the obstetrician who must tell the woman the probable date of delivery and advise for natural, vaginal or cesarean delivery as needed.

It is also the role of the obstetrician to clarify all women's doubts regarding pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. He must accompany the woman until at least 6 weeks after the baby is born, checking the mother's health, being aware of possible infections and even postpartum depression.
