Home Symptoms Ora-pro-nóbis: what it is, benefits and recipes

Ora-pro-nóbis: what it is, benefits and recipes


The ora-pro-nobis is an unconventional edible plant, but it is considered a native plant and abundant in Brazilian soil. Plants of this type, such as bertalha or taioba, are a kind of edible "bush" with high nutritional value, which can be found in vacant lots and flower beds.

Its scientific name Pereskia aculeata , and its leaves rich in fiber and protein can be eaten in salads, in soup, or mixed in rice. It contains in its composition essential amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan, fibers, minerals such as phosphorus, calcium and iron and vitamins C, A and the B complex, which makes it very popular with fans of a varied and sustainable diet.

In many regions ora-pro-nobis is grown even at home, however, it is also possible to buy ora-pro-nobis leaf at health food stores, in dehydrated or powdered forms like flour. Although ora-pro-nobis is a very economical option to enrich meals and has proved to be a great source of nutrients, there is still a lack of further studies with scientific evidence to prove it.

Benefits of ora-pro-nobis

The ora-pro-nobis is considered a cheap and very nutritious source of nutrients, mainly because it is rich in protein, vitamins and fibers for a good functioning of the intestine. Thus, some of the possible benefits of this plant include:

1. Being a source of protein

The ora-pro-nobis is a great choice of vegetable protein source, since about 25% of its total composition is protein, meat has approximately 20% in its composition, which for many causes the ora-pro- nobis is considered the “meat of the poor”. It also shows a high protein level when compared to other vegetables, such as corn and beans. It contains amino acids essential to the body, the most abundant being tryptophan with 20.5% of the total amino acids tryptophan, followed by lysine.

This makes ora-pro-nobis a good option in the diet, to enrich protein content, especially for people who adhere to a different lifestyle, such as veganism and vegetarianism for example.

2. Assist in weight loss

Due to its protein content and because it is rich in fibers, ora-pro-nobis helps with weight loss as it promotes satiety, in addition to being a low calorie food.

3. Improve bowel function

Due to the large amount of fibers, the consumption of ora-pro-nobis helps in digestion and in the proper functioning of the intestine, avoiding constipation, the formation of polyps and even intestinal tumors.

4. Prevent anemia

The ora-pro-nobis has a large amount of iron in its composition, being a greater source of this mineral when compared to other foods considered sources of iron, such as beets, kale or spinach. However, to prevent anemia, the fero must be absorbed along with vitamin C, another component present in large quantities in this vegetable. Therefore, ora-pro-nobis leaves can be considered a good ally to prevent anemia.

5. Avoid aging

Due to the large amount of vitamins with antioxidant power, such as vitamins A and C, the consumption of ora-pro-nobis helps to decrease or even inhibit the damage caused in the cells. This helps prevent premature skin aging, aids in the health of hair and nails, and improves vision. Because it is rich in vitamin C, it also helps in strengthening immunity.

6. Strengthen bones and teeth

The ora-pro-nobis helps to strengthen bones and teeth, as it has a good amount of calcium in its leaf composition, 79 mg per 100 g leaf, which is a little more than half of the milk it offers. 125 mg per 100 ml. Although it is not a substitute for milk, it can be used as a supplement.

Nutritional information

Components Quantity in 100 g of food
Energy 26 calories
Protein 2 g
Carbohydrates 5 g
Fats 0.4 g
Fibers 0.9 g
Calcium 79 mg
Phosphor 32 mg
Iron 3.6 mg
Vitamin A 0.25 mg
Vitamin B1 0.2 mg
Vitamin B2 0.10 mg
Vitamin B3 0.5 mg
Vitamin C 23 mg

Recipes with ora-pro-nobis

Its succulent and edible leaves can be easily included in the diet, being used in various preparations such as flour, salads, fillings, stews, pies and pasta. The preparation of the plant leaf is relatively simple, as it is done like any vegetable normally used in cooking.

1. Salty pie


  • 4 whole eggs, 1 cup (tea) of oil, 2 cups (tea) of milk, 2 cups (tea) of wheat flour, ½ cup (tea) of chopped onion, 1 tablespoon of baking powder; 1 cup (tea) of chopped ora-pro-nobis leaves; 2 cups (tea) of freshly grated cheese; 2 cans of sardines; Oregano and salt to taste.

Method of preparation

Beat all ingredients in a blender (except ora-pro-nobis, cheese and sardines). Grease a pan with oil, place half the dough, the ora-pro-nobis, the cheese and oregano on top. Cover with the rest of the dough. Beat a whole egg and brush over the dough. Bake in medium oven.

2. Pesto sauce


  • 1 cup (tea) of ora-pro-nobis leaves previously torn by hand; ½ clove of garlic; ½ cup (tea) of grated semi-cured minas cheese; 1/3 cup (tea) of Brazil nuts; ½ cup of olive oil or Brazil nut oil.

Method of preparation

Knead the ora-pro-nobis in the pestle, add the garlic, chestnuts and cheese. Add the oil gradually. Knead until it becomes a homogeneous paste.

3. Green juice


  • 4 apples; 200 ml of water; 6 leaves of sorrel; 8 leaves of ora-pro-nobis; 1 (coffee) spoon of freshly chopped ginger.

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients in a blender until it becomes a very thick juice. Strain through a fine sieve and serve.

Ora-pro-nóbis: what it is, benefits and recipes