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Learn how to make the ovolactovegetarian diet


Ovolactovegetarianism is a type of vegetarian diet in which, in addition to vegetable foods, it is also allowed to eat only eggs and milk and derivatives as foods of animal origin. Thus, fish, meat and meat products are excluded from the diet as in any other type of vegetarianism.

When included in a healthy diet, the ovolactovegetarian diet brings benefits such as helping to lower cholesterol and prevent problems such as heart disease and cancer, but it can also lead to weight gain and health problems when excessive consumption of foods rich in sugars and cereals occurs. refined, such as wheat flour. See all the differences and the advantages and disadvantages of each type of vegetarianism.

Sample Menu

On the menu of the ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet, all foods of vegetable origin, such as cereals, bran, flakes, grains, vegetables and fruits, and foods with eggs, milk and derivatives, are allowed, as shown below:

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 240 ml of milk with granola + 1 apple; Morning snack: 1 yogurt + 1 teaspoon of flaxseed; Lunch: 1 omelet with cheese and parsley + 4 col. rice soup + 2 col. bean soup + arugula, tomato and carrot salad seasoned with oil and vinegar + 1 orange for dessert; Afternoon snack: 1 glass of pineapple juice with mint + 1 brown bread with curd and 1 slice of cheese.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 1 glass of milk with coffee + whole grain bread with cheese, lettuce and tomato + 1 banana; Morning snack: 1 apple + 2 chestnuts; Lunch / Dinner: Vegetarian pasta with whole spaghetti + diced cheese + arugula + pesto sauce + diced tomato + grated carrot + 2 col. of chickpea soup + 1 col. sesame tea + 2 thin slices of pineapple for dessert; Afternoon snack: 1 yogurt + 1 col. of chia tea + 6 Maria biscuits.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: 1 glass of avocado smoothie + 3 wholemeal toast with butter Morning snack: 1 glass of green cabbage juice + 4 cream cracker cookies; Lunch / Dinner: 2 soy hamburgers + 4 col. pea rice soup + lettuce, cucumber, eggplant and tomato salad + 8 dessert strawberries; Afternoon speedboat: 1 cup of coffee with milk + 2 tapioca cheese or coconut + 1 banana.

It is important to remember that even in a vegetarian diet one should avoid excessive consumption of processed foods, sweets and fats, such as cakes, fried foods and stuffed cookies.

In addition, some nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12 may need supplementation, it is important to follow up with a nutritionist to ensure a good diet with all the necessary daily nutrients.

Soy meatballs


  • 4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs1 / 2 tablespoons of wheat flour1 cups of soy protein1 / 2 liters of warm water 1/2 lemon juice1 beaten egg1 / 2 grated onionCilantro, parsley, salt, pepper and basil to taste

Method of preparation:

Hydrate the soy protein in the warm water with the lemon juice and let stand for 30 minutes. Put the mixture in a sieve and squeeze well until all the water is removed. Then mix all the ingredients, kneading well.

Place the dough in a blender or processor to make the ingredients uniform, forming the balls in the desired size, with the help of wheat flour to avoid sticking to the hands. Cook the meatballs in the oven or in tomato sauce for about 40 minutes.

Potato stuffed with mushrooms


  • 700 grams of potatoes300 grams of mixed mushrooms4 tablespoons of wheat flour1 chopped garlic cloveOlive oil, chopped salts, breadcrumbs, salt to taste2 eggs

Method of preparation:

Cook the potatoes and then mash them as if you were going to make a puree, and store in a bowl. Make a stew with garlic and olive oil and then add the mushrooms and cook for a few moments, over high heat, stirring occasionally until they are very tender. Before turning off the heat, add plenty of parsley and adjust the salt.

Add the egg and the wheat flour and mix well until you get a homogeneous dough. Separate the mixture in small portions and model in the shape of a potato, placing in the center 1 spoonful of the sautéed mushrooms. Quickly pass the potatoes in the breadcrumbs and place in an oiled pan. Place in a medium oven, preheated for about 20 minutes or until golden.

Watch the following video and learn how to be a good vegetarian and what are the advantages:

Learn how to make the ovolactovegetarian diet