Home Symptoms Main symptoms of polyps in the stomach and what can cause

Main symptoms of polyps in the stomach and what can cause


Stomach polyps, also called gastric polyps, correspond to the abnormal growth of tissue in the stomach lining due to gastritis or frequent use of antacid drugs, for example, being more frequent in people over 50 years of age.

Gastric polyps are usually asymptomatic, being discovered only in routine examinations, and most of the time they are benign, not being necessary to remove them, only when it is very large, it causes symptoms and has the potential to turn into a carcinoma.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of stomach polyps usually appear when the polyp is very large, the main ones being:

  • Appearance of gastric ulcers; Increased gas production; Heartburn; Poor digestion; Abdominal discomfort; Vomiting; Anemia; Bleeding, which can be perceived through dark stools or vomiting with blood; Decreased blood pressure.

It is important that in the presence of symptoms of gastric polyps, the person consult the general practitioner or gastroenterologist so that an endoscopy is performed in order to identify the presence of the polyp. In addition, it is common that during endoscopy, if the polyp is identified, a small portion of this polyp is collected for biopsy and benignity is confirmed.

In case the polyp is larger than 5 mm, polypectomy is recommended, which is the removal of the polyp, and in the case of multiple polyps, the polypectomy of the largest and biopsy of the minor is indicated. Understand what it is and how the biopsy is done.

Is stomach polyps serious?

The presence of polyps in the stomach is usually not serious and the chance of becoming a tumor is low. Thus, when the presence of a polyp in the stomach is identified, the doctor recommends monitoring the patient and the size of the polyp, because if it grows too much, it can lead to the appearance of stomach ulcers and symptoms that can be quite uncomfortable for the person.

Causes of Stomach Polyps

The appearance of polyps in the stomach can be caused by any factor that interferes with the acidity of the stomach, causing the formation of a polyp in an attempt to keep the pH of the stomach always acidic. The main causes of stomach polyps are:

  • Family history; Gastritis; Presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach; Esophagitis; Adenoma in the stomach glands; Gastroesophageal reflux; Chronic use of antacid drugs, such as Omeprazole, for example.

It is important that the cause of the gastric polyp is identified so that the doctor can indicate the treatment that can cause the polyp to decrease in size and prevent the appearance of symptoms.

How is the treatment

The treatment of gastric polyps depends on the type, size, location, quantity, related symptoms and the likelihood of developing cancer. In most cases, removal of the polyp is not necessary, however when associated symptoms are seen or the polyp is larger than 5 mm, for example, removal is necessary. This intervention is usually performed by means of an endoscopy, reducing the risks.

Main symptoms of polyps in the stomach and what can cause