Home Bulls Yam elixir: main benefits and how to consume

Yam elixir: main benefits and how to consume


The yam elixir is a yellowish liquid phytotherapeutic solution that can be used to eliminate toxins from the body, although it can also be used to relieve pain caused by colic or rheumatism and facilitate digestion, for example.

Popularly, this product is also used to increase the fertility of women due to its rich composition in vitamin B6, which helps to regulate progesterone levels, facilitating ovulation.

Despite having benefits, in 2006 ANVISA suspended the marketing of the yam elixir due to its high concentration of alcohol, which can be addictive, however it can still be found in some health food stores, and should be used under medical guidance and monitoring..

Main benefits

Despite being contraindicated by ANVISA, the yam elixir has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic properties, presenting some health benefits, such as:

  1. Eliminate toxins from the body through sweat and urine; Clean the skin, reducing the appearance of acne; Relieve joint inflammation caused by rheumatism and attrition; Reduce pain caused by colic, such as menstrual pain or childbirth; Facilitate the digestion of fatty foods, such as french fries and snacks, for example.

In addition, some women use the yam elixir to stimulate pregnancy, since the elixir is rich in vitamin B6, which can act to regulate progesterone levels and favor ovulation. However, the relationship between the use of the yam elixir and pregnancy is not yet scientifically proven, so it is recommended that women who have difficulty getting pregnant consult the gynecologist so that proper treatment can be started and the chances of pregnancy increase. Here are some natural ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant.


Although marketing has been suspended by ANVISA, the yam elixir can still be found in health food stores, and can cost between R $ 14 and R $ 75.00 according to the brand and quantity you want to buy.

How to take

If the yam elixir is used, it is recommended to consume 1 tablespoon at lunch and another at dinner time. It is important that its use is not made for more than 3 months and that it is monitored and guided by a doctor to avoid the appearance of side effects.

Also learn how to use yam to prepare a detoxifying soup.

Possible side effects and contraindications

It is important that the yam elixir is consumed according to the doctor's guidance, and should not exceed 3 tablespoons per day, otherwise there may be nausea, stomach pain and even weight gain.

In addition, the yam elixir should not be consumed by people under the age of 14, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as it has alcohol in its composition.

Yam elixir: main benefits and how to consume