Home Medicinal Plants Benefits of smoking

Benefits of smoking


Fumaria is a medicinal plant with the scientific name Fumaria officinalis, which grows on small shrubs, and has gray-green leaves and white or pink flowers with a red tip. The smokehouse is also known as molerinha, pombinha and terra-fuma.

Due to its properties, this plant has numerous health benefits, such as relief from intestinal colic, constipation and treatment of urticaria, scabies and psoriasis. It can be purchased at health food stores and some drugstores.

What is it for

The smokehouse is a medicinal plant that can be used to improve digestion, assist in the treatment of gall bladder stones, constipation, intestinal cramps, hives, scabies and psoriasis.

What properties

The smokehouse has depurative, diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory properties and can also be used as a regulator of bile secretion and regenerating the skin.

How to use

The commonly used parts of the smokehouse are the stem, leaves and flowers, which can be used to prepare tea. To do this, just add a teaspoon of dry, chopped smoke to 1 cup of boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes and then strain, sweeten with honey and take 1 to 3 cups a day.

Due to the bitter taste of smoked tea, mixing with fruit juice can be an alternative by mixing a cup of cold smoked tea with apple juice for example.

Possible side effects

The maximum daily consumption of smoke should be 3 cups of tea, as excessive use can cause vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain.

Contraindications for smoking

Smoking is contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to this plant, for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and individuals with stomach problems.

Benefits of smoking