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Does Ritalin improve attention and thinking? know its effects on the body


Ritalin is a drug that has as its active ingredient Methylphenidate Hydrochloride, a central nervous system stimulant, indicated for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults, and narcolepsy.

This medication is an amphetamine, which acts by stimulating mental activities and therefore, wrongly, it has become popular among adults who wish to study or stay awake for longer, however, this use is not recommended and these effects are not proven. In addition, methylphenidate can bring dangerous side effects for those who use it without indication, such as nervousness, increased pressure, palpitations, muscle spasms, hallucinations or chemical dependency, for example.

Ritalin can only be purchased with a prescription, being available free of charge by SUS or in private pharmacies with a price that varies between 18 and 60 reais, depending on the dosage, quantity and location where the drug is sold.

What is it for

Ritalin has in its composition methylphenidate, which is a psychostimulant. This medication stimulates concentration and reduces drowsiness, and therefore is indicated for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults and also for the treatment of narcolepsy, which is characterized by the manifestation of symptoms of drowsiness during the day, inappropriate sleep episodes and sudden loss of voluntary muscle tone.

Is Ritalin good for memory and studies?

Ritalin is popular with students, who call this medicine the Intelligence Pill famous for stimulating memory and concentration during the study period, however, it has never been proven that this medicine has this effectiveness in healthy people.

This way, the person may even spend the night awake studying, but the attention will not necessarily be better and he may not remember the content the next day.

Thus, Ritalin should in no way be used to improve memory and concentration, as it can cause serious adverse reactions. If you are a student and need a remedy to stay awake longer with more memory and concentration, see the safest remedy options for memory.

How to take Ritalin

The dosage of the medicine Ritalin depends on the problem you want to treat:

1. Attention deficit and hyperactivity

The dosage must be individualized according to the needs and clinical response of each person and also depends on age. Like this:

The recommended dose of Ritalin is as follows:

  • Children aged 6 years and over: should be started with 5 mg, 1 or 2 times a day, with weekly increases of 5 to 10 mg. The total daily dose should be administered in divided doses.

The dosage of Ritalin LA, which are modified-release capsules, is as follows:

  • Children aged 6 years and over: can be started with 10 or 20 mg, at medical discretion, once a day, in the morning. Adults: For people who have not yet been treated with methylphenidate, the recommended starting dose of Ritalin LA is 20 mg once daily. For people already on methylphenidate treatment, treatment can be continued with the same daily dose.

In adults, the maximum daily dose of 80 mg should not be exceeded and in children, with both Ritalin and Ritalin LA, the recommended daily dose of 60 mg should not be exceeded.

2. Narcolepsy

Only Ritalin is approved for the treatment of narcolepsy in adults. The average daily dose is 20 to 30 mg, administered in 2 to 3 divided doses.

Some people may need 40 to 60 mg daily, while for others, 10 to 15 mg daily is sufficient. In people with difficulty sleeping, if the medication is administered at the end of the day, they should take the last dose before 6 pm. The maximum daily dose of 60 mg should not be exceeded.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects that can be caused by treatment with Ritalin include nasopharyngitis, decreased appetite, abdominal discomfort, nausea, heartburn, nervousness, insomnia, fainting, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, changes in heart rate, fever, allergic reactions and decreased appetite that can result in weight loss or stunted growth in children.

In addition, because it is an amphetamine, methylphenidate can be addictive if used improperly.

Who should not use

Ritalin is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to methylphenidate or any excipient, people suffering from anxiety, tension, agitation, hyperthyroidism, pre-existing cardiovascular disorders including severe hypertension, angina, occlusive arterial disease, heart failure, hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathies, myocardial infarction, life-threatening arrhythmias and disorders caused by dysfunction of the ion channels.

It should also not be used during treatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or within at least 2 weeks of treatment discontinuation, due to the risk of hypertensive crises, people with glaucoma, pheochromocytoma, diagnosis or family history of Tourette's syndrome, pregnant or lactating.

Does Ritalin improve attention and thinking? know its effects on the body