Home Symptoms How peniscopy is done to detect hpv in men

How peniscopy is done to detect hpv in men


Peniscopy is a diagnostic test used by the urologist to identify lesions or changes imperceptible to the naked eye, which may be present in the penis, scrotum or perianal region.

Generally, peniscopy is used to diagnose HPV infections, since it allows to observe the presence of microscopic warts, however, it can also be used in cases of herpes, candidiasis or other types of genital infections.

When should be done

Peniscopy is an especially recommended test whenever the partner has symptoms of HPV, even if there are no visible changes in the penis. In this way it is possible to find out if there was a transmission of the virus, leading to an early start of treatment.

Thus, if the man has many sexual partners or if his sexual partner finds that he has HPV or has symptoms of HPV such as the presence of several warts of varying sizes on the vulva, large or small lips, vaginal wall, cervix or anus, which can be so close together that they form plaques, the man must undergo this examination.

In addition, there are other sexually transmitted infections that can also be investigated with this type of test such as herpes, for example.

How peniscopy is done

Peniscopy is done in the urologist's office, it doesn't hurt, and consists of 2 steps:

  1. The doctor places a compress with 5% acetic acid around the penis for about 10 minutes and then observes the region with the help of a peniscope, which is a device with lenses capable of enlarging the image up to 40 times.

If the doctor finds warts or any other changes, a biopsy is performed under local anesthesia and the material is sent to the laboratory, in order to identify which microorganism is responsible and initiate the appropriate treatment. Find out how HPV treatment is performed in men.

How to prepare for peniscopy

Preparation for peniscopy should include:

  • Trim pubic hair before the exam; Avoid intimate contact for 3 days; Do not put medicine on the penis on the exam day; Do not wash the genitals immediately before the exam.

These precautions facilitate the observation of the penis and prevent false results, avoiding having to repeat the exam.

How peniscopy is done to detect hpv in men