Home Symptoms What can be swollen neck and when to go to the doctor

What can be swollen neck and when to go to the doctor


The swollen neck can happen due to the flu, cold or throat or ear infections, for example, which leads to an increase in the lymph nodes present in the neck. Usually the swollen neck is easily resolved, but when accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, pain in the lymph nodes when touched or loss or weight gain without an apparent cause, can be indicative of more serious situations, with cancer and Cushing's Syndrome, for example.

Therefore, it is important to observe the progression of the swelling, and you should go to the doctor when the swelling lasts for more than 3 days or already appears accompanied by other symptoms. Thus, the doctor may perform tests that can identify the cause of the swelling and start treatment.

Main causes

1. Increase in lymph nodes

The lymph nodes, also known as lymph nodes or tongue, are small glands that can be found scattered throughout the body, being more concentrated in the groin, armpits and neck, and whose function is to allow the proper functioning of the immune system and, consequently, being responsible fighting infections.

The enlargement of the lymph nodes is usually indicative of infections or inflammation, and it is possible to notice a slight swelling associated with a small nodule, for example. Thus, swelling of the neck due to enlarged lymph nodes may be indicative of colds, flu and inflammation in the throat, for example, being more common in children. Know the main causes of enlarged lymph nodes.

What to do: If it is noticed that the lymph nodes increase over time, they hurt or other symptoms such as persistent fever, for example, it is important to go to the doctor to investigate the cause of the enlarged lymph nodes.

2. Thyroid problems

Some changes in the thyroid lead to swelling of the neck, especially goiter, which is characterized by an enlarged thyroid gland in an attempt to compensate for the production of thyroid hormones due to hypo or hyperthyroidism, for example. Learn about other thyroid-related diseases.

What to do: If thyroid problems are suspected, it is important to go to the endocrinologist for imaging and laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment is done according to the cause of the goiter, and can be done through the administration of iodine or hormone replacement, for example. Find out what the goiter is, symptoms and how the treatment is done.

3. Mumps

Mumps, also known as mumps, is an infectious disease caused by a virus that lodges in the salivary glands, promoting swelling of the face and, mainly, the side of the neck. Know the symptoms of mumps.

What to do: The best way to prevent mumps is by administering the triple viral vaccine, which should be done in the first year of life and which protects against mumps, measles and rubella. However, if the child has not had a vaccine, it is important to disinfect objects contaminated with discharge from the throat, mouth and nose and avoid contact of the child with other people who may have the disease.

The treatment of mumps is done with the aim of relieving symptoms, with rest and the use of medications to relieve discomfort, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, for example, being recommended. Find out how the mumps treatment is done.

4. Cancer

Some types of cancer, mainly lymphatics, can lead to enlarged lymph nodes, leaving the neck swollen. In addition to the swelling of the lymph nodes, there may be weight loss without apparent cause, malaise and frequent tiredness, it is important to go to the doctor so that tests can be done and the diagnosis can be made. Learn more about lymphatic cancer.

What to do: If lymphatic cancer is suspected, the doctor may order several tests, mainly blood count, tomography and biopsy, for example. The treatment of lymphatic cancer is done according to the degree of impairment of the lymphatic system, which can be done with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

5. Cushing's syndrome

Cushing's syndrome is an endocrine disease characterized by an increase in the concentration of cortisol in the blood, which causes a rapid increase in weight and accumulation of fat in the abdominal region and face, which makes the neck swollen, for example. The diagnosis of this syndrome is made by the endocrinologist through blood and urine tests, in which a high concentration of the hormone cortisol is verified. Understand what is Cushing's Syndrome and main causes.

What to do: If a sudden increase in weight is noticed, for example, it is important to go to the general practitioner or endocrinologist to make the diagnosis and, thus, start treatment. Treatment varies according to the cause of the disease: in the case of prolonged use of corticosteroids, for example, the recommendation is to discontinue the medication, but if the disease is the result of a tumor in the pituitary gland, for example, it may be indicated by the doctor performing surgery to remove the tumor, in addition to chemo or radiation therapy.

6. Skin infection

Skin infection, scientifically known as cellulite, can be caused by bacteria that contaminate a region of the skin, such as the neck, after an injury, such as a wound or insect bite. This type of infection usually causes swelling, pain and heat in the area, redness, in addition to being associated with fever, chills and weakness.

What to do: if you suspect cellulite, the doctor needs to examine the area affected by the swelling, start treatment with antibiotics and may order laboratory tests to complement the investigation, such as blood and imaging tests, for example. If cellulite is on the neck or face, in elderly people or children mainly, it is an indication of greater severity, and the doctor will probably recommend taking antibiotics in the vein during a hospital stay.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to go to the doctor when the swelling of the neck lasts more than 3 days and other symptoms appear, such as persistent fever, excessive tiredness, night sweat and weight loss for no apparent reason, for example. In addition, if it is noticed that the lymph nodes are enlarged and hurt when touched, it is recommended to seek medical advice so that tests can be carried out to identify the cause.

What can be swollen neck and when to go to the doctor