Home Symptoms Multivitamin: what it is and when it is indicated

Multivitamin: what it is and when it is indicated


Polivitamínico is a food supplement consisting of several vitamins and which aims to avoid the lack of vitamins that cannot be obtained through food. Some supplement options that can be indicated by the nutritionist are Centrum, Gerovital and Pharmaton, for example, which besides being made up of multivitamins are also formed by minerals or other stimulating substances.

The use of multivitamin is necessary when it is not possible to obtain all the vitamins needed by the body through food, for example when practicing a sport, when you have diseases or taking medication that hinder the absorption of vitamins or at certain stages of life such as pregnancy or breastfeeding.

When to use multivitamin

The multivitamin is indicated by the doctor or nutritionist when the person is unable to obtain all vitamins through food, therefore, the use of multivitamins is indicated. However, the use of these dietary supplements should not replace a balanced and healthy diet.

Although it can be used by anyone, the use of multivitamins should not be done in case of allergy to any component of the supplement formula, in people who already supplement vitamin A or who have hypervitaminosis of A or D, for example.

Among the multivitamins recommended by the nutritionist are Centrum, Gerovital and Pharmaton, and it is usually indicated to use 1 tablet a day after breakfast or lunch, for example, however the dose may vary from person to person. according to age and lifestyle, for example.

Is multivitamin fattening?

The use of multivitamins is not fattening, since vitamins have no calories. However, the B-complex multivitamin, for example, which contains all the B-complex vitamins, can increase your appetite and thus lead to a greater consumption of food that may result in weight gain.

Therefore, it is important to associate the use of multivitamins with healthy eating and physical activity on a regular basis.

Multivitamin and multimineral

The multivitamin and multimineral is a supplement made up of both vitamins and minerals and exists in the form of pills, liquids or powders, and can be taken daily for a period of time that varies according to the individual requirements of the body, therefore existing multivitamin and polymineral infant specific to this stage of life as well as multivitamin and polymineral for pregnant women who generally have higher amounts of folic acid and iron because they are important nutrients for pregnant women.

Some nutrients interact and can impair absorption with each other, for example calcium decreases the absorption of iron and if they are consumed at the same time the body cannot absorb any of these minerals so it is important to consult with the doctor or nutritionist before starting any supplementation so that it is efficient and does not harm health.

Multivitamin: what it is and when it is indicated