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Ointments for itchy skin


Itchy skin is a symptom that can be caused by several diseases, such as allergies, very dry skin, insect bites, sunburn, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, chicken pox or mycoses, for example and, therefore, the doctor recommend a specific treatment for the disease in question.

In addition to treating the cause of the itch, you can also use ointments that relieve discomfort and soothe the itch more immediately, while the treatment is not yet complete. In some cases, itchy ointments are sufficient to treat the problem, as in cases of very dry skin, sunburn or atopic dermatitis for example.

Some of the most commonly used ointments to relieve itchy skin are:

1. Ointments with calamine

Calamine is a substance made up of zinc oxide and other components, which act to relieve itching, due to its astringent and protective properties of the skin. Ointments and creams with calamine can be used in various situations, such as allergies, insect bites, sunburn or chicken pox, alone or as a complement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Some examples of products with calamine are Ducaamine from TheraSkin, which can be used in adults and children, and Calamyn, Solardril and Caladryl, which can be used in adults and children over 2 years, because they have camphor in the composition, which it is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age. See a marigold ointment that can be used on the baby.

2. Ointments with antihistamines

Ointments with antihistamines can be used in situations such as allergic skin reactions, atopic dermatitis or insect bites, for example, because they act by reducing allergy and alleviating itching. Some examples of creams with antihistamines are Profergan, with promethazine in the composition, and Polaramine, with dexchlorpheniramine in the composition. These products should only be used on children older than 2 years.

3. Corticoids

Corticosteroids in ointment or cream are products widely used to treat itching in situations where there is a lot of discomfort and / or where other treatments have had no effect. They are generally widely used as aids in the treatment of psoriasis, associated with antifungals in mycoses, in insect bites or severe allergies, eczema or atopic dermatitis, for example, but they should only be used if recommended by the doctor.

Some examples of corticosteroid ointments or creams that the doctor may recommend are Berlison or Hidrocorte, with hydrocortisone, Cortidex, with dexamethasone, or Esperson, with deoxymethasone. Find out what precautions to take with corticosteroids.

4. Moisturizing, nourishing and soothing creams

In some cases, itching can occur due to extreme dryness and dehydration of the skin, atopic dermatitis or skin irritation caused by chemicals or hair removal, for example.

In these cases, the use of a good moisturizing cream, nourishing and soothing, can be enough to end the discomfort and itching felt on the skin. However, it is important to be careful if it is a skin with atopic dermatitis, since in these cases specific products should be used, with few ingredients and as smooth as possible.

Some examples of creams that can be used to nourish and moisturize the skin in a gentle way are Avéne's Xeracalm Relipidizing Balm, Fisiogel AI or La Roche Posay's Lipikar Baume AP +. In addition, Sesderma's Hidraloe Gel is also a great option for skin with irritation, insect bites, light burns or itching, because it has 100% aloe vera in its composition, with soothing and soothing action.

Ointments for itchy skin