Home Pregnancy Pregnancy without symptoms: is it really possible?

Pregnancy without symptoms: is it really possible?


Some women can become pregnant without noticing any symptoms, such as sensitive breasts, nausea or tiredness, even during the whole pregnancy, and may even continue to bleed and keep their belly flat, without any noticeable characteristic of the pregnancy being noticeable.

Silent pregnancies are rare, but they can occur in some women, without them realizing that they are pregnant, even until the moment of delivery, which can bring risk to the baby, since prenatal care is not performed.

To prevent this from happening, contraceptive methods, such as condoms or the birth control pill, for example, should be used and go to the doctor if unprotected sex occurs.

Why it happens

Some symptoms that occur during pregnancy, such as nausea and vomiting, breast pain, cramps or mood swings, for example, are mainly caused by the increase in sex hormones, however, some women may not feel these differences because they are more tolerant to hormones and this hormonal oscillation, therefore not noticing the change in symptoms. Find out which symptoms are characteristic of pregnancy and which facilitate your diagnosis.

In addition, a still baby or placenta in front of the uterus can prevent the woman from being aware of the baby's movements.

Why does bleeding arise?

The vaginal bleeding that can occur during a silent pregnancy, is often mistaken by the woman for menstruation, however, it can result from other factors, such as nesting, which consists of the implantation of the embryo in the uterus, which causes the rupture of blood vessels that the cover and may cause bleeding. As this period coincides with the days when menstruation would occur, the woman thinks she is not pregnant.

In addition, as the pregnancy progresses, the uterus increases in size, which also contributes to the rupture of the spider veins and bleeding, making the woman continue to believe that she is not pregnant.

Why doesn't belly appear?

Some women who have a silent pregnancy may never even have a protruding belly, which is the most evident feature of pregnancy.

This can happen for several reasons, in women who have a long abdomen, in which there is more space for the uterus to develop upwards and not outwards, and may give the impression of a smaller belly in overweight women, whose belly may be confused, or in women with more worked muscles, in which the belly may not be so protruding, and the baby develops closer to the spine: In addition, the fetus may also be hidden in the rib cage and / or, when it is very small, you may also not notice a very big difference in the belly.

What are the risks of not understanding pregnancy

The fact that the woman does not know that she is pregnant, means that she does not seek prenatal care or preparation classes for childbirth, which could endanger the baby's life. In addition, the person continues to maintain the same habits, which can be harmful to the baby, such as drinking alcohol, cigarettes or drugs that are contraindicated in pregnancy.

There are also supplements that must be taken during pregnancy, as is the case with folic acid, for example, for the baby to be born healthy and, in these cases, this is not possible.

How to avoid a silent pregnancy

In order to avoid unwanted pregnancies, the person must use contraceptive methods, such as condoms or the birth control pill, whenever he practices sexual intercourse and if unprotected intimate contact occurs, he should go to the doctor and explain the situation, in order to understand the possibility of pregnancy.

Pregnancy without symptoms: is it really possible?