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Hydrogel filling


The aesthetic treatment of skin filling can be done with a product called Hydrogel, developed especially for aesthetic purposes. This type of procedure serves to increase the volume of certain regions of the body such as butt, thighs and breasts, and is also useful for filling wrinkles and expression lines on the face and neck.

The application of the hydrogel must be done in a surgical center by a doctor, preferably a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist specialized in body filling techniques and must be changed on average 2 years, in the case of facial filling and 5 years, in the case of filling body.


The price of skin filling with Hydrogel to increase the butt is about 2000 reais per 100 ml, and to increase the butt it is necessary to apply at least 200 ml on each side.

When it is indicated and how it is done

Hydrogel filling can be useful for:

  • Enlarge lips, buttocks, breasts, calves, hips or ankles; Fill in deep wrinkles and expression lines on the face or neck; Correct grade IV cellulite because it helps make the skin firmer.

The procedure is simple, and consists of applying a hydrogel injection in the region that you want to increase the volume, with local anesthesia. After application, a dressing is applied or sometimes a single stitch is given, which must be removed 7 days later.

What are the risks

Skin filling with Hydrogel is generally well tolerated and the person recovers quickly, without the need for hospitalization, especially when applying a small amount to the face or lips, for example. However, if the region you want to enlarge is large, such as the buttocks or thighs, you need to be admitted to the hospital to ensure that it is a safe procedure.

Most people who undergo this type of treatment experience only minor pain, swelling and redness at the site where the injection is given. In some cases there may still be the formation of hematomas, and in the most severe cases, which are more rare, serious complications may arise, such as product allergy, ischemia, nerve compression, thrombosis, skin necrosis or pulmonary embolism.

Thus, to reduce the risks, it is necessary that the treatment is done by an experienced doctor, not being recommended to be carried out in the doctor's office, or in a 'botox party', for example.

Who can not use

Hydrogel filling is particularly contraindicated for people who have already used the substance Metacrill for body filling, as the two substances are not compatible, and in people with some infectious disease, acute or chronic inflammatory disease, skin disease or in blood vessels.

Hydrogel filling