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What to do when a person becomes unconscious


Early and quick care for an unconscious person increases the chances of survival, so it is important to follow some steps so that it is possible to save the victim and reduce the consequences.

Before starting the rescue steps, it is necessary to check the safety of the person's location, to prevent further accidents from occurring. For example, the rescuer must ensure that there is no risk of electric shock, explosions, being run over, infected or exposed to toxic gases.

Then, first aid to a person lying on the floor, includes:

  1. Check the person's state of consciousness, placing both hands on the shoulders, asking out loud if the person is listening and if he / she does not respond, it is a sign that he / she is unconscious; Call for help to other people who are nearby; Permeabilize the airway, that is, tilt the person's head, raising the chin with the two fingers of the hand so that the air passes more easily through the nose and prevents the tongue from obstructing the air passage; Observe if the person is breathing for 10 seconds, placing the ear close to the person's nose and mouth. It is necessary to see the movements of the chest, to hear the sound of the air coming out through the nose or the mouth and to feel the exhaled air in the face; If the person is breathing, and has not suffered trauma, it is important to place him in the lateral safety position to prevent him from vomiting and choking; Call 192 immediately, and answer who is speaking, what is happening, where you are and what the phone number is ; If the person is NOT breathing:
  • Start cardiac massages with the support of one hand over the other, without bending your elbows. Do 100 to 120 compressions per minute. If you have a pocket mask, perform 2 insufflations every 30 cardiac massages; Keep resuscitation maneuvers until the ambulance arrives or the victim wakes up.

To perform cardiac massages, also called chest compressions, the person needs to position himself on his knees on the victim's side and keep him lying on a firm and flat surface. In addition, it is necessary to place one hand on top of the other, interlacing the fingers, in the middle of the victim's chest and keeping the arms and elbows straight. See in detail how cardiac massage should be done:

Why can the person become unconscious

1. Stroke

Stroke, or stroke, happens when a vein in the head region becomes blocked because of a blood clot, the thrombus, and in some cases, this vein ruptures and blood spreads through the brain.

The main symptoms of stroke are difficulty in speaking, crooked mouth, paralysis on one side of the body, dizziness and fainting. You need to ask for help quickly to increase the chances of survival and reduce the consequences. Learn more about how to identify and treat a stroke.

2. Acute myocardial infarction

Acute myocardial infarction, popularly known as a heart attack, occurs when a vein in the heart becomes blocked with fat or a blood clot, so the heart cannot pump blood and the brain runs out of oxygen.

Infarction symptoms are identified as severe pain on the left side of the chest, which radiates to the right arm, increased heart rate, cold sweat, dizziness and pallor. If a heart attack is suspected, it is necessary to seek emergency care, as the person with a heart attack may be unconscious. Check out the main causes of heart attack.

3. Drowning

Drowning makes the person unable to breathe, as water enters the lungs and impairs the delivery of oxygen to the brain, so the person passes out and becomes unconscious. It is important to take steps to prevent drowning from happening, especially with children. Here's what to do to avoid drowning

4. Electric shock

Electric shock happens when an unprotected person comes into contact with an electrical charge, which can cause burns, neurological problems, heart attacks causing the person to be unconscious.

Therefore, the person who has suffered an electric shock must be attended to quickly so that the consequences are as small as possible.

What to do when a person becomes unconscious