Home Symptoms 6 Main causes of tall basophils (basophilia) and what to do

6 Main causes of tall basophils (basophilia) and what to do


The increase in the number of basophils is called basophilia and is indicative that some inflammatory or allergic process, mainly, is happening in the body, and it is important that the concentration of basophils in the blood is interpreted together with the result of the other results of the blood count.

It is not necessary to treat enlarged basophils, but rather the cause of basophilia. Therefore, it is important that the cause of the increase be investigated and, thus, appropriate treatment can be started.

Basophils are cells that belong to the immune system and are found in smaller amounts in the blood, being considered normal when their concentration is between 0 and 2% or 0 - 200 / mm 3, or according to the value of the laboratory. Basophil count greater than 200 / mm 3 is indicated as basophilia. Learn more about basophils.

The main causes of basophilia are:

1. Asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis

Asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis are the main causes of high basophils, since they are responsible for intense and prolonged allergic or inflammatory processes, which stimulates a greater activity of the immune system, resulting not only in the increase of basophils, but also of eosinophils and lymphocytes.

What to do: In these cases it is important to identify the cause of sinusitis and rhinitis and avoid contact, in addition to the use of antihistamine drugs to relieve symptoms. In the case of asthma, it is indicated, in addition to avoiding the cause responsible for the appearance of symptoms, the use of drugs that promote the opening of the pulmonary bronchi, facilitating breathing.

2. Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease characterized by the presence of several ulcers in the intestine, which causes a lot of discomfort, tiredness and weight loss, for example. As it is a prolonged inflammatory process, it is possible to verify in the blood count the increase in the number of basophils.

What to do: It is important to follow the treatment according to the gastroenterologist's instructions, giving preference to a healthy and low-fat diet, in addition to some medications that help to reduce inflammation, such as Sulfasalazine, Mesalazine and Corticoids, for example.

Learn more about ulcerative colitis and its treatment.

3. Arthritis

Arthritis is characterized by inflammation of the joints, which leads to changes in the blood count, including an increase in the number of basophils.

What to do: In case of arthritis, it is important that the treatment is carried out according to the orthopedist's orientation, because in addition to normalizing the blood count values, it is possible to combat the symptoms associated with arthritis. See everything about arthritis.

4. Chronic Kidney Failure

It is common for chronic renal failure to notice an increase in the number of basophils, as it is usually associated with a prolonged inflammatory process.

What to do: In this case it is recommended to follow the treatment indicated by the doctor to treat kidney failure, in which the use of drugs to control symptoms is usually indicated or, in more severe cases, a kidney transplant may be indicated. Understand how treatment for Chronic Kidney Failure is done.

5. Hemolytic anemia

Hemolytic anemia is characterized by the destruction of red blood cells by the immune system itself, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as weakness, pallor and lack of appetite, for example. In an attempt to compensate for the destruction of red blood cells, the bone marrow starts releasing more immature cells into the bloodstream, such as reticulocytes, for example. In addition, in some cases, the doctor may observe an increase in the number of basophils, since the immune system is more active.

What to do: It is important to have a complete blood count and other laboratory tests to verify that it is a hemolytic anemia and not another type of anemia. If hemolytic anemia is confirmed, the doctor may recommend the use of drugs that regulate the activity of the immune system, such as Prednisone and Cyclosporine, for example.

See how to identify and treat hemolytic anemia.

6. Blood diseases

Some hematological diseases, mainly Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Polycythemia Vera, Essential Thrombocythaemia and Primary Myelofibrosis, for example, can lead to an increase in the number of basophils in the blood, in addition to other changes in the blood count.

What to do: In these cases, it is important that the diagnosis is made by the hematologist according to the result of the blood count and other laboratory tests so that the most appropriate treatment can be started according to the hematological disease.

6 Main causes of tall basophils (basophilia) and what to do