Home Pregnancy Main care in the 1st trimester of pregnancy (0 to 12 weeks)

Main care in the 1st trimester of pregnancy (0 to 12 weeks)


The first trimester of pregnancy is the period from the 1st to the 12th week of gestation, and it is during these days that the body adapts itself to the major changes that are beginning and that will last for approximately 40 weeks, until the baby's birth.

At this stage, there are important precautions that the mother must take so that the baby can grow and develop in a healthy way.

Main precautions during pregnancy

The beginning of pregnancy is one of the periods that requires more care so that the baby can develop and be born at the right time, so during this phase the most important care is:

  • Do not take medication without medical advice: Most drugs have not been tested during pregnancy and therefore it is not known if they are safe for the mother and baby. Some pass through the placenta and can cause serious changes, such as Roacutan. Usually the only remedies that the pregnant woman can take are Novalgina and Paracetamol. Do not do exercises of great impact: If the pregnant woman already practices any exercise such as walking, running, Pilates or swimming, she can continue with this type of exercise, but she should stop exercises that involve jumping, body fighting, physical contact. Do not drink alcoholic beverages: During the entire pregnancy the woman should not consume any type of alcoholic beverages as this can cause fetal alcohol syndrome Use a condom during intimate contact: Even if the woman is pregnant, one should continue using the condom to avoid getting any disease that may interfere with the baby's growth and may even contaminate the child, which may have serious implications, such as gonorrhea, for example. Do not use drugs: The use of illicit drugs cannot be done during pregnancy because they reach the baby and seriously interfere in their development and still leave the baby addicted, which makes him very crying and restless at birth, making it difficult for him daily care; Do not smoke: Cigarettes also interfere with child growth and development and that is why pregnant women should not smoke, nor be too close to other people who are smoking, because secondhand smoke also reaches the baby, impairing their development.

First trimester specific care

The specific care measures for the 1st quarter include:

  • Go to all prenatal consultations; Do all the examinations that the obstetrician asks for; Eat well, eating vegetables, fruits, grains and dairy products, avoiding sweets, fat, fried foods and soft drinks; Keep the doctor informed of the symptoms that always carry the pregnancy book in the bag, because the main aspects of the woman's and baby's health will be noted; take the vaccines that are missing, such as the tetanus and diphtheria vaccine, against hepatitis B (recombinant vaccine); Take folic acid (5 mg / day) for up to 14 weeks, to prevent open neural tube defects.

In addition, it is also advisable to make an appointment with the dentist to assess oral health and the need for some treatments, such as fluoride application or scaling, which may be contraindicated after the beginning of pregnancy.

How to ease the discomfort of early pregnancy

During this phase the woman usually presents symptoms such as headache, increased sensitivity in the breasts, nausea and may have an easier time with gingivitis, so here's how to deal with each situation:

  • Sickness: More frequent in the morning and can be circumvented, in most cases, avoiding prolonged fasting and eating a toast or cracker before rising from bed in the morning. Sensitivity in the breasts: The breasts increase in size and become firmer and, due to the increase in weight and volume, it is advisable to use an appropriate bra, without support wire. See what the best clothes to wear during pregnancy. Changes in the skin: The skin of the breasts and belly stretches, loses elasticity and stretch marks may start to appear, so apply plenty of moisturizer or a specific cream. Pigmentation: The nipples become darker and the vertical line that crosses the abdomen and crosses the navel becomes more visible. Brownish spots known as melasma may also appear on the face. To avoid these spots on the face always use a sun protection cream. Oral health: Gums can swell and bleed more easily. To avoid using a soft toothbrush and visit your dentist.
Main care in the 1st trimester of pregnancy (0 to 12 weeks)