Home Bulls Essure



Essure is a definitive way to prevent pregnancy, which consists of placing two small metal springs inside each uterine tube, which blocks the passage of sperm, thus preventing unwanted pregnancies.

This contraceptive method works similarly to tubal ligation, which is when the doctor cuts each tube, but in the case of Essure, 2 spiral springs are placed, which naturally inflames this area, resulting in the production of a fabric that completely covers the springs, blocking the tubes. In this way, the body forms a natural barrier, preventing the passage of sperm, without the need to use hormones.

Main side effects

The placement of Essure can cause problems such as leaving the implant from the place where it is placed, causing pain during its bonding, cramps, vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain in the belly and back for a few days. Headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting can also occur. Although rare, Essure can be expelled naturally by the body or move around, in which case it is not effective in contraception, increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy, a situation that puts the woman's life at risk and does not allow the embryo to develop.

In addition, the woman may also experience an allergic reaction to nickel and develop symptoms such as itching and swelling, and there is no way of knowing whether the person will develop this allergy or not. If there is an allergy, Essure needs to be removed through surgery.

When is indicated

The placement of Essure is indicated for the woman who already had children and who wants a permanent contraception. Thus, it is common for their placement to occur after the age of 35 or according to the couple's desire not to have children, but as it is an irreversible method, the doctor can advise the couple to wait until about 40 years, which is when pregnancy is already advised against because there are greater risks for the woman and the baby.

How it is placed

Essure can be placed in a micro surgery, performed in a doctor's office by a hysteroscopist and not by a gynecologist. The procedure is done without cuts and the material needed to place this 'spring' enters the vaginal canal.

It usually takes the body about 3 months to form the necessary barrier to prevent the passage of sperm, and during this period the woman must use other ways to protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy, such as a condom or contraceptive pill. The woman should only abandon other contraceptive methods after performing a constant ultrasound and X-ray and the doctor observes that the body has formed the necessary barrier to protect her.

Who can not use

In addition to not being indicated for women who still wish to become pregnant, it is also not indicated for women under the age of 21 or over 45. It is also contraindicated for women who have a suspected pregnancy, have only a fallopian tube or there are any obstruction, if you have already had the tubes ligated, if you are allergic to the contrast used on x-rays, if you have vaginal bleeding for no apparent reason, in case of cancer or suspected cancer in the reproductive system, if you have been pregnant in the last 6 weeks, or if you have an active gynecological infection.
