Home Bulls Main effects of the elani cycle

Main effects of the elani cycle


Elani cycle is a contraceptive containing 2 hormones, drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol, which is indicated to prevent pregnancy and which also has the benefits of reducing fluid retention caused by hormonal changes, helping to lose weight, decreasing blackheads and pimples on the skin and excess oil from the hair.

In addition, Elani cycle decreases anemia caused by iron deficiency, reduces cramps and fights PMS. Other benefits include preventing diseases such as cysts in the breast and ovaries, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and endometrial cancer.


The price of Elani Ciclo varies between 27 and 45 reais.

How to take

The tablets should be taken with water, always at the same time. One tablet of Elani should be taken daily, following the direction of the arrows, until the end of the pack containing 21 units. Then you should take a break and wait for the 8th day, when you should start a new pack of this contraceptive.

How to start taking: For those who are going to take Elani cycle for the first time, they should take the first pill on the first day of their period. So, if menstruation comes on Tuesday, you should take the first pill on a Tuesday indicated on the chart, always respecting the direction of the arrows. This contraceptive has an immediate effect in preventing pregnancy and therefore it is not necessary to use a condom when having sex since its first intake.

What to do if you forget 1 tablet: in case of forgetting, take the forgotten tablet within 12 hours of the ideal time. If you forget for more than 12 hours, the effect is impaired, especially at the end or beginning of the pack.

  • Forget in the 1st week: take the tablet as soon as you remember and use a condom for the next 7 days; Forget in the 2nd week: take the tablet as soon as you remember; Forget in the 3rd week: take the tablet as soon as you remember and don't take the break, starting new card as soon as it ends.

If you forget 2 or more pills in any week, the chances of pregnancy are greater and that is why you should do a pregnancy test before starting a new pack.

During breaks between cards, after the 3rd or 4th day, bleeding similar to menstruation should appear, but if it does not occur and you have had sex, you may be pregnant, especially if you have forgotten to take any pills during the month.

Main side effects

The most common reactions include changes in mood, depressed state, decreased or complete loss of sexual desire, migraine or headache, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, minor vaginal bleeding throughout the month.

Who should not use

Elani cycle should not be used when the woman has any of the following changes: if pregnancy is suspected, if she has unexplained vaginal bleeding, if she has or has ever had a thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, if she has ever had a heart attack or stroke, angina, diabetes with impaired blood vessels, breast or sexual organ cancer, liver tumor.

Remedies that can decrease their effectiveness

The remedies that can lessen or cut the effect of this birth control pill are epilepsy medications, such as primidone, phenytoin, barbiturates, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, felbamate, AIDS drugs, hepatitis C, tuberculosis, like rifampin, medicines for diseases caused by fungi like griseofulvin, itraconazole, voriconazole, fluconazole, ketoconazole, antibiotics like clarithromycin, erythromycin, heart remedies like verapamil, diltiazem, against arthritis or arthrosis, like etoricoxibe, remedies that contain St. John's wort, usually used when taking grapefruit juice.

Main effects of the elani cycle