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How to lose belly in 7 days


This complete program to lose belly in one week is an effective combination of low calorie diet and abdominal exercises, which can be done at home, and is aimed at beginners who want to lose weight and start physical activity.

This program to lose weight and lose belly can be repeated 2 times in a row in healthy individuals. In case of diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure or heart problems it is important to seek medical advice before starting any dietary restriction or exercise plan.

Find out what your ideal weight is by entering your data:

The program to lose belly in 1 week consists of:


Tip of the day: Drink 1.5 liters of unsweetened green tea. See why green tea speeds up metabolism and helps you lose weight.

Breakfast Lunch Morning / afternoon snacks Dinner
1 glass of plain yogurt with 1 spoon of light granola and 1 apple with peel 1 grilled chicken steak with 1 spoon of brown rice and lettuce and tomato salad, sprinkled with 1 spoon (soup) of flaxseed. 1 orange with dessert pomace 1 glass of soy drink or skim milk with 1/2 papaya, without sugar. 1 plate of vegetables cooked in salted water (carrots, green beans and chayote), drizzled with olive oil, with 1 can of tuna in water.

Exercise of the day: Walking 30 minutes, can be on the street or on the treadmill, and then do 3 sets of 20 sit-ups, as shown in the following image, resting between 10 to 30 seconds between each set:


Tip of the day: Drink 1.5 liters of unsweetened artichoke tea

Breakfast Lunch Morning / afternoon snacks Dinner
1 flat plate of oatmeal and 1 banana with chia 1 grilled fish fillet with 3 tablespoons of broccoli and boiled carrots, sprinkled with 1 tablespoon of flaxseed. 1 dessert pear 1 glass of carrot juice with orange and 1 spoon of wheat germ, with two whole toast with 1 slice of white cheese. 1 plate of vegetable cream, seasoned with salt, onion and garlic and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Exercise of the day: Walk 40 minutes and step up after the first 10 minutes and then start to slow down in the last 10 minutes. Next, do 3 sets of the following exercise, which consists of standing in the plank position for as long as you can. Here's how to do it in the video:


Tip of the day: Drink 1.5 L passion fruit juice without sugar

Breakfast Lunch Morning / afternoon snacks Dinner
1 cup of coffee with milk and 1 brown bread with a slice of white cheese. 1 chicken leg grilled or cooked with lettuce and arugula salad and 1 spoon of rice, sprinkled with 1 spoon (soup) of flaxseed. 1 tangerine for dessert A serving of light granola with 1 glass of unsweetened orange juice 1 plate of lettuce salad, cucumber, tomato, boiled egg with pineapple pieces.

Exercise of the day: Walk 1 hour at a brisk pace to increase calorie burn. Then, do the oblique abdominal exercise in 3 sets, as shown below, for 1 minute in each set, to strengthen these muscles and help define this region, by tapering the waist:


Tip of the day: Drink 1.5 L of green tea with unsweetened ginger or drink ginger tea to lose weight

Breakfast Lunch Morning / afternoon snacks Dinner
Vitamin 1/2 avocado with skim milk or oat milk. 1 piece of cooked fish with potatoes and cabbage, sprinkled with 1 tablespoon of flaxseed. 1 slice of watermelon for dessert 1 cup of strawberry gelatin mixed with 1 cup of plain yogurt with 1 spoonful of flaxseed 1 dish of carrot cream, seasoned with salt, onion and garlic and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Exercise of the day: Walk quickly for 2 minutes and run for another 2 minutes, then walk again for another 2 minutes and so on until 30 minutes. When done, do 3 sets of sit-ups for 1 minute each set:


Tip of the day: Drink 1.5 liters of unsweetened fennel tea

Breakfast Lunch Morning / afternoon snacks Dinner
1 glass of pineapple or orange juice and a seed bread with butter Quinoa with boiled carrots and 1 fat-free chicken or beef steak. 1 orange with dessert pomace 1 glass of smoothie made with apple and strawberry yogurt 1 plate of chicken soup.

Exercise of the day: Run for 30 minutes, wearing a sneaker that absorbs the impact well to avoid injury to the joints, especially if you are very overweight. At the end of the race, do the following exercise for as long as you can, rest 30 seconds and stay as long as you can.


Drink 1.5 L of water with a few drops of unsweetened lemon. See its benefits in Weight loss with lemon

Breakfast Lunch Morning / afternoon snacks Dinner
Liquid yogurt with whole grains and 1 small bowl of fruit salad.

1 plate of lettuce salad with arugula, cheese and crouton, seasoned with vinegar, sprinkled with 1 tablespoon of flaxseed. 1 slice of melon for dessert.

Almond or skimmed milk drink with 6 strawberries and 2 whole toast. Cream of leek, drizzled with 1 extra virgin olive oil

Exercise of the day: Take a walk alternating between 2 minutes of running, with 2 minutes of walking for half an hour, and in the last 5 minutes, just walk to slow down your heart. At the end, do 3 sets of 1 minute side sit-ups as shown in the image below, resting 10 to 30 seconds between each set:


Drink 1.5 L of pineapple juice with unsweetened mint

Breakfast Lunch Morning / afternoon snacks Dinner

1 glass of passion fruit juice and a wholemeal bread with white cheese.

Omelet with parsley, tomato and 1 tablespoon of sesame. 1 bowl of lychees or 1 apple with peel for dessert 1 chopped banana with a little light granola. Eggplant, chickpea, tomato, pepper and cuscus salad.

Exercise of the day: Run for 30 minutes and at the end do these sit-ups for 5 minutes:

Tips to lose weight and lose belly

During this week if you get hungry, try eating 1 pear or 1 apple with peel 15 minutes before lunch and dinner because these fruits help to control your appetite and have few calories, which should not interfere with the final results.

Controlling anxiety about results is also a strategy to meet the goals and so it can be useful to have a chamomile tea or passion fruit juice to be more relaxed. To check the results you should weigh yourself on the first day, before starting the program and the next day, in the morning, as soon as you finish this 1 week workout to lose belly.

This program can be performed on any day of the month, but it can be more difficult to comply with during PMS and during menstruation, and it is not allowed to pinch between meals. The best time to exercise is in the morning, after breakfast, but you can also exercise at the end of the day, before dinner.

Watch the following video and also see some tips that help you not give up on the diet:

How to lose belly in 7 days