Home Home-Remedies Home remedies for psoriasis

Home remedies for psoriasis


Watercress, chamomile and goji berry can be excellent home remedies, useful to combat skin peeling and inflammation related to psoriasis, but they do not exclude the clinical treatment that should be indicated by the dermatologist.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that cannot be cured, it is not contagious and it leads to the appearance of red spots, flaking and dryness of the skin, itching, pain and burning sensation, which can appear in various parts of the body.

Some home remedies to treat psoriasis are:

1. Watercress

Indicated to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis anywhere in the body, watercress juice is an excellent option due to its strong purifying effect, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. Just beat the 70g watercress blender with 1 glass of water and then take it at least 3 times a day.

In addition, the consumption of raw watercress, in the form of salad, for example, is also a great way to treat psoriasis. Other watercress recipes include:

  • Sauteed watercress; Watercress salad with white cheese and tomato; Pumpkin soup with watercress; Oxtail with watercress.

The use of blood purifying foods, such as watercress, can prove to be very effective as helpers in the treatment of psoriasis, but it is also important to avoid fatty foods, meats, sausages, processed and seasoned foods, as they favor the inflammatory process in the body.

2. Goji berry juice

Beat 2 oranges and 2 handfuls of goji berry in a blender and then take it. Goji berry is rich in antioxidants, vitamins C, B1 and B2, having great anti-inflammatory effect. The linoleic acid present in this fruit helps to strengthen the immune system.

In addition to the juice one can consume goji berry berries during the day and in the preparation of foods such as sandwiches, soups and salads. The compounding pharmacy can prepare a cream with goji berry to pass on the skin twice a day.

3. Sarsaparilla tea

Prepare the tea with 1 tablespoon of dried leaves and 1 cup of boiling water. Let stand, strain and drink at least 2 to 3 times a day.

Sarsaparilla is a plant that has flavonoids that balance the immune system, in addition to being useful for detoxifying the liver and the entire body.

4. Chamomile compress

Just prepare a tea with 6 g of flowers and dry leaves of chamomile and 100 mL of boiling water, let it rest, strain, wet a clean gauze in the tea and then apply on the affected region, leaving it to act for about 10 minutes. The procedure should be repeated twice a day.

Chamomile has soothing properties that help to reduce skin irritation, improving the appearance of psoriasis.

Home treatment for psoriasis

An excellent home treatment to complement those previously indicated are:

  1. Increase consumption of foods rich in beta-carotenes such as orange, carrot and beet; Increase consumption of foods rich in omega 3, such as tuna and salmon due to their anti-inflammatory action; Supplementation with evening primrose oil, due to its gamma-linoleic acid content, which is capable of reducing inflammation; Avoid consumption of foods rich in caffeine, such as coffee, black tea and chocolate, giving preference to fruit or fruit juice.

In addition, another natural option to treat psoriasis is Bentonite Clay, which in the form of paste can be applied directly to the skin area to be treated. This clay has a great capacity to absorb and eliminate toxins, heavy metals and impurities while transferring several beneficial minerals and nutrients to the skin, relieving itching, aging and skin inflammation caused by psoriasis. See how to use bentonite clay.

See more tips for treating psoriasis in the following video:

Homeopathic remedy for psoriasis

When psoriasis appears again, the person can try a homeopathic remedy to control the symptoms, such as the combination of Graphites, Arsenicum, Petroleum and Aquifolium berberis, which acts on the skin and liver, reducing inflammation and symptoms of the disease.

Remedy for psoriasis on the scalp

A great home remedy for scalp psoriasis is to rub a little bit of apple cider vinegar on the affected area daily with a piece of cotton. It is also recommended to use neutral shampoos or with jojoba oil or Aloe Vera, as they soothe the skin, reducing the symptoms of psoriasis.

Remedy for psoriasis on hands and nails

An excellent home remedy for the treatment of psoriasis on the hands and nails, consists of applying an ointment manipulated with 50% Aloe Vera every day, before sleeping, on the affected area. It has anti-inflammatory action and helps to combat the damage caused by the disease. See how the treatment for psoriasis on the nails should be done.

Home remedies for psoriasis