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Early puberty


Early puberty is the onset of sexual development before the age of 8 in the girl and before the age of 9 in the boy. It has as signs the arrival of menstruation in girls and the increase of testicles in boys, it can have different causes and depending on its severity it may be necessary to carry out a treatment with drugs or surgery to avoid the complications that it can bring.

Central precocious puberty, also called true precocious puberty, is premature sexual development caused by early activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis because it can restrict the child's growth.

Early puberty in the boy

Male precocious puberty is characterized by the development of the testicles, the presence of hair on the face and changes in voice and behavior before 9 years of age. It can be of central cause, that is, caused by a failure in the central nervous system and can be treated with medication.

Early puberty in the girl

Early female puberty is characterized by the development of breasts, menstruation, hair on the genital and lower arm, which occurs before the age of 8. It may have an unknown cause or it may be caused by a tumor in the ovaries, which lead to the early production of female sex hormones and that is why it is important to carry out diagnostic tests to assess the need for taking medications to ensure the girl's good development.

Signs and symptoms of early puberty

Girls Boys
Pubic and axillary hair Pubic and axillary hair
Axillary odor (smell of sweat) Axillary odor (smell of sweat)
First menstruation Increased oiliness on the skin, pimples and acne
Breast growth Increased testicles and penis, with erections and ejaculation
Increased oiliness on the skin, pimples and acne Lower voice and tendency to aggression

What causes early puberty

The causes of precocious puberty can be:

  • Consequence of hormonal changes caused by serious situations such as head injuries; brain tumor or tumor in the ovaries or testicles.

The diagnosis of precocious puberty can be made by the pediatrician by observing these signs and symptoms, and it is not necessary to perform tests to confirm.

When exams are needed

If there is a suspicion that there is a serious change or syndrome, because puberty begins much earlier than expected, sometimes, even in the baby, tests such as X-rays, pelvic and adrenal ultrasound, computed tomography or MRI, for example. Because the onset of early puberty is often the first sign that the tumor emits.

Blood tests such as LH, FSH, LH, FSH and GnRH, estradiol for girls, and testosterone for boys may be ordered, and the doctor may also order other tests he deems necessary to identify the cause of early puberty and decide whether it is necessary to perform some treatment.

How and when to treat

It is not always necessary to slow down the child's growth rate, stopping puberty ahead of time. When the child is over 8 years old, the doctor may conclude that it is a less severe precocious puberty, because it is probably not caused by a tumor.

When it starts before the age of 8, especially in the baby, it can be caused by a tumor. Treatment can be done with hormonal blocking medications, and you may need to undergo radiotherapy, chemotherapy or surgery.

Carrying out treatment is important to avoid the complications that early puberty can bring, such as psychological disorders, short stature in adulthood and early pregnancy, for example.

The child who presents with precocious puberty must be accompanied by a psychologist as society may demand more mature behavior from him when he is still a child and this can be confusing for him.

It is important that she knows that she must behave appropriately at her age so that she has a good general development and if she still has childish desires like playing with friends, for example, this desire must be respected and even encouraged.

Early puberty