Home Symptoms 14 Most common medical specialties

14 Most common medical specialties


Although the general practitioner is able to treat many diseases, there are medical specialties that are more specific to some diseases or parts of the body. Thus, the general practitioner can be consulted especially for more common problems such as tonsillitis, flu, muscle pain or sinusitis, for example.

However, in the case of chronic or more specific diseases, it is best to consult a specialist in the field, as you are better acquainted with the different treatment options available.

To find out which doctor you should consult, write down your symptom or the part of the body you need to treat:

The following indicates which is the best doctor who should treat some of the most common diseases:

Most common medical specialties


He is a doctor specializing in problems that affect the gastrointestinal tract and, therefore, can take care of other diseases such as gastritis, hemorrhoids, ulcers, Crohn's disease and diverticulitis.

2. Hepatologist

It is the doctor who takes care of the liver and so it is the specialty indicated for when there are problems, rare or chronic diseases that affect this organ such as cirrhosis, fatty liver or hepatitis, for example.

3. Otorhinolaryngologist

This specialty deals with problems related to the throat, ears or nose, such as pharyngitis, hoarseness, labyrinthitis, problems in the nose, laryngitis, tonsillitis or swollen adenoids, for example.

4. Pulmonologist

It is the doctor who deals with diseases that affect the lungs, such as pneumonia, bronchitis or tuberculosis, for example.

5. Endocrinologist

This specialty deals with problems related to the functioning of the endocrine glands or related to hormonal changes, such as diabetes, obesity or thyroid. In addition, the endocrinologist also treats sleep disorders, such as insomnia or snoring, for example.

6. Cardiologist

This is the doctor who takes care of problems related to heart problems or blood circulation, such as high blood pressure, heart attack or heart failure.

7. Orthopedist

This specialty takes care of diseases in the spine, bones, herniated disc, parrot's beak, sprains, arthritis and arthrosis, for example.

8. Psychiatrist

It is the specialty that treats several psychiatric diseases such as postpartum depression, Borderline syndrome, nervous breakdown, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, personality disorders or hypochondria.

9. Allergist

This is the specialty that deals with allergies in any part of the body like eyes or skin, for example.

10. Urologist

This is the doctor who must perform the prostate exam, in addition to being the specialty indicated for diagnosing and treating diseases in male sexual organs, such as prostatitis or phimosis, for example.

11. Nephrologist

This is the medical specialty that diagnoses and treats kidney-related problems, such as kidney stones, severe urinary tract infection or kidney failure, for example.

12. Dermatologist

This is the doctor who treats skin, hair and nail diseases, such as hair loss, dermatitis, skin allergy or nail fungus, for example.

13. General Physician

The general practitioner is the doctor indicated to have a general check-up, which may include the performance of a blood test, urine, stool or electrocardiogram, for example. In addition, when there is a problem or disease that requires specific treatment, the general practitioner makes the referral to the correct specialty.

14. Gynecologist

This is the doctor who deals with problems related to the female reproductive system, such as endometriosis, cystitis, genital warts, genital herpes, gonorrhea or syphilis, for example.

When observing any sign or symptom, such as painful sensation without apparent cause, fever, itching, difficulty sleeping or dizziness, it is recommended to see a general practitioner, who can then advise you on the medical specialty that needs to be consulted.

14 Most common medical specialties