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Is it possible to get pregnant outside the fertile period?


The fertile period is the set of days during which it is easier to get pregnant. Thus, these days can either be used by women who are trying to conceive, to increase their chances, or avoided, by those who do not wish to become pregnant.

Although it is almost impossible to get pregnant outside the fertile period, there is a minimal chance of this happening, especially if intercourse occurs before ovulation. After ovulation, pregnancy is much more difficult, since the egg has already been released and the fallopian tubes have passed and cannot be fertilized.

The days with the highest risk of becoming pregnant in the whole cycle are the 3 days before ovulation, including the day of ovulation, since it is during this period that the mature egg is released from the ovaries and can be fertilized.

When it is possible to get pregnant outside the fertile period

In many cases, the fertile period is considered between 3 days before and 3 days after ovulation and, therefore, if the woman has intercourse on those days she is more likely to become pregnant.

However, if there is a relationship within 5 days before ovulation, there may also be fertilization, since sperm, under ideal conditions, can survive for up to 5 days. However, there are several factors that need to happen for pregnancy to start and hence it is considered that there is a low risk of becoming pregnant.

In addition, many women do not always ovulate on the same day, so fertile days can vary between cycles. Thus, the best tip for those who do not want to get pregnant is to use other forms of prevention in the 5 days before ovulation and in the following 3 days.

For those who are trying to get pregnant, this is the best time to try to start pregnancy, having more frequent sexual intercourse. Check out other tips to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

How to know when ovulation happens

Normally ovulation happens 14 days before menstruation, which, in a woman with a regular 28-day cycle, also corresponds to the 14th day of the cycle after menstruation. However, in women with a greater or lesser regular cycle, the ideal is to calculate the day of ovulation 14 days before the expected date for menstruation.

In addition, there are also some symptoms that can arise with ovulation, but which can be difficult to identify, such as:

  • Slight increase in body temperature; Presence of a small transparent and viscous discharge; Increased libido.

Women who have an irregular cycle find it more difficult to know the fertile period in advance, so if they are not trying to conceive they should use other ways to prevent pregnancy, such as the birth control pill or condom. Women who take the pill do not ovulate and therefore are not at risk of becoming pregnant. Check out other methods that help prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

If you have a regular cycle, use our online calculator to find out when your fertile period should be:

Is it possible to get pregnant outside the fertile period?