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Amount of water needed per day


It is believed that all adults need to drink about 2 liters of water a day. However, this is not the exact number that all people need because the ideal amount varies according to the person's weight and also with other factors such as active or sedentary life and season, since in summer, because of the sweat, you need to drink more water.

The most correct way to know the ideal amount of water that each person really needs is to be calculated according to the weight of each person. See the table below.

Adults Amount of water per kg
Active young man up to 17 years 40 ml per kg
18 to 55 years 35 ml per kg
55 to 65 years 30 ml per kg
Over 66 years 25 ml per kg

People who practice physical activity need to drink even more than 500 ml to 1 liter of water for every hour of physical activity, especially if they sweat a lot during training.

There should be no more water than the ideal amount for you because drinking too much water is bad, especially in cases of kidney failure or fluid retention because it can impair kidney function. Find out the ideal amount in these cases here.

Thirst is the first symptom of dehydration, so there is no need to wait to be thirsty to drink water. Other signs of dehydration are dry mouth and dark yellow urine with a strong smell. If the individual presents these symptoms, it is recommended to drink water, oral rehydration salts, homemade serum or coconut water and if the symptoms persist, a medical consultation is advised.

Why you should drink water every day

Drinking water helps you lose weight, treat your stuck intestines and improve skin quality. In addition, water is very important for metabolism because all chemical reactions in the body need water, as well as the production of enzymes and saliva for digestion.

Drinking water while fasting is good because it stimulates the gastrointestinal system after a long period of fasting, improving bowel function.

Water is vital for controlling body temperature, digestion, blood circulation and the formation of urine. Although juices, soups and fruits contain water, it is very important to drink water in its natural form, as the body loses water when breathing, through feces, sweat and urine.

See a complete list of all the benefits of water for the body.

Techniques for drinking more water

A good strategy for drinking water is to have a 2 liter bottle of mineral water close by. Writing down what time and the amount of water you drank can also be useful in making the individual aware of the need to drink water.

See other tips for drinking water during the day:

How to drink flavored water

Flavoring or savoring the water with lemon, cucumber or mint leaves is an excellent tip for those who have difficulty drinking pure water. So this is the ideal technique for those who prefer to drink soft drinks when they are thirsty, for example.

In addition, flavored water acquires the benefits of the food that has been added and, for that reason, can have several benefits from increasing the consumption of vitamins to helping you lose weight. Some examples of flavored waters include:

Flavoring food How to make What is it for

Lemon or Orange Water

Add 1 lemon cut into pieces in 1 liter of water. You can also add the juice of half a lemon to make it stronger, if necessary. Lemon and orange are great for detoxifying the body and eliminating toxins. In addition, they contain vitamin C that strengthens the body.
Cucumber Water Place 7 to 8 slices of cucumber in 1 liter of water. To add flavor, you can also use some mint leaves. Cucumber helps to cool down on warmer days, avoiding dehydration. It also prevents fluid retention due to its diuretic action.
Water with Ginger Leave 4 to 5 slices of ginger in 1 liter of water. Add 2 or 3 slices of lemon if you find the flavor too strong. Ginger is a thermogenic root that increases metabolism and, therefore, is excellent for those who need to lose weight and burn fat.
Eggplant Water Add a diced eggplant in 1 liter of water. Eggplant has antioxidants that slow the aging of cells, in addition it is rich in fibers that help to treat constipation.
Water with Lemon Chamomile Put 2 tablespoons of the dried herb in 1 liter of water and strain before drinking. These plants have a potent relaxing action that reduces excess stress and anxiety.

The ideal is to prepare the flavored water the night before so that it acquires more flavor and benefits from the food that has been added. You should always strain the water before drinking and you can put it in the refrigerator to stay cooler, especially on very hot days.

Watch the following video and find out which foods have the most water in the composition:

Amount of water needed per day