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When to get pregnant after curettage


The waiting time to get pregnant after an abortion curettage varies between 3 and 6 menstrual cycles, which is the time it takes the uterus to recover completely. Before this period, the endometrial tissue that lines the uterus should not be completely healed, increasing the risk of bleeding and of a new miscarriage.

The waiting time to become pregnant after a semiotic curettage, performed for a diagnostic exam, is only 1 month. Just wait until your period comes normally and, after this phase, you can start trying to get pregnant.

During this waiting time, the couple must use some contraceptive method, as ovulation will occur normally and the woman would be at risk of becoming pregnant soon after curettage, which increases the risk of having a new abortion.

Curettage is a procedure performed by the gynecologist used as a diagnostic test or as a treatment to clean the uterus of remains of an incomplete abortion, to remove polyps or to remove embryonic remains, for example.

Is it easier to get pregnant after curettage?

Ovulation can happen right after undergoing a curettage, so it is not uncommon for a woman to become pregnant right after this procedure, even before menstruation comes, but as the uterine tissues are not completely healed, there is a greater risk of infection.

Thus, it is not recommended to have sexual intercourse right after curettage, and one must wait for the uterus to heal before trying to conceive. After the gynecological examination and tests, the gynecologist will be able to indicate when it is safe to get pregnant after a uterine curettage.

However, there are researches that indicate that performing a micro-curettage in women with difficulty to conceive, can inflame the uterine tissue, increasing the chances of the embryo sticking to the walls of the uterus, and may develop, but there is not enough evidence.

This micro curettage can be done in the doctor's office, without the need for anesthesia, being as uncomfortable as a pap smear, and therefore, if you want to get pregnant but are having difficulty, you can talk to your doctor about it.

How to prevent abortion after curettage

To reduce the risk of spontaneously miscarrying, the woman's uterus must be completely healthy and for that reason, you can ask the doctor's opinion about when to try again. He may advise a longer waiting time if the couple is not emotionally prepared to return to trying to conceive.

Some precautions that women can take for a healthy pregnancy with less risk are:

  • Take exams to assess uterine health before you start trying to conceive; Have sex at least 3 times a week, but mainly during the fertile period. Know how to calculate your most fertile period of the month; Take folic acid tablets to help in the formation of the baby's nervous system; Do not consume illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages and avoid smoking.

Women who have had more than 2 miscarriages can get a special vaccine designed to prevent recurrent miscarriages. See what this abortion vaccine looks like.

When to get pregnant after curettage