Home Home-Remedies Natural options for burning eyes

Natural options for burning eyes


One of the best home remedies to relieve the burning sensation in the eyes is the washing with saline solution, because besides being excellent to remove any speck that is causing the irritation of the eye, it also does not have any chemical adding, causing no worsening of the symptoms.

To wash with saline, you must:

  1. Wash your face and remove any type of makeup that may exist around the eye; Tilt your head back and open your eyelids with one hand; Drip 1 to 2 drops of serum in the inner corner of the eye; Close the eye and rotate with the eyelid closed; Open the eye and repeat the process again if the burning has not improved.

The serum can also be replaced with moisturizing eye drops or water. However, the water must be filtered to avoid the use of contaminated water, which can lead to a worsening of the condition. This wash is especially effective whenever the burning sensation comes after something comes into direct contact with the eye or if it arises after spending a long time in front of the computer, tablet or cell phone, especially at night. Know what precautions should be taken to prevent your eyes from burning.

If washing with serum does not work, there are still other homemade techniques that can be used and that are safe, such as:

1. Apply a warm compress

This is a technique that can be used after washing with serum, to relieve irritation of the eye and eliminate the burning sensation and redness more quickly.

To do this, just dip a clean compress in warm water and then remove excess water and apply over the closed eye for about 5 minutes. The compress can be applied several times a day, whenever necessary.

2. Wash the eye with children's shampoo

Shampoo for children is usually made with substances that do not cause eye irritation and, therefore, can be a good option whenever the burning sensation does not improve after washing with serum. This technique allows you to clean the eyelid glands, as well as remove possible spots that may be in the eye.

To do this wash, mix a little warm water with 1 or 2 drops of children's shampoo and then, with the tip of a compress, pass the mixture in the region of the base of the eyelid in a single movement.

3. Apply a slice of cucumber

Similar to the warm water compress, the cucumber slice also helps to reduce inflammation of the eye. To do this, cut a thin slice and cucumber and apply it over the closed eye for 5 to 10 minutes. This technique can be repeated several times a day.

This technique also works with potato slices, a spoon if iced soup or an iced tea bag. In the case of using a tea sachet, a good option is to choose chamomile tea, as it has soothing properties.

Know the main causes of burning eyes and what to do in each case.

Natural options for burning eyes