Home Home-Remedies Homemade options to naturally decrease appetite

Homemade options to naturally decrease appetite


Home remedies to inhibit appetite have as main objective to naturally reduce the desire to eat, promoting the feeling of satiety, which can result in weight loss, for example. Learn more about appetite suppressants.

Some homemade options that are able to naturally decrease appetite are apple, pear and oat juice, ginger tea and oatmeal, which in addition to decreasing appetite, is able to regulate cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood, being a great option for people who have diabetes.

Apple, pear and oat juice

Apple, pear and oat juice is an excellent home remedy to inhibit appetite, because they are foods rich in fiber, staying longer in the stomach and taking longer to be digested. When they reach the intestine, they improve their functioning due to the increase in the fecal bolus, facilitating the elimination of feces and helping to combat abdominal swelling.


  • 1 unpeeled apple; 1 unpeeled pear; 1 tablespoon of rolled oats; 1/2 glass of water.

Method of preparation

To make the juice just beat all the ingredients in the blender. It can sweeten, but avoid white sugar, giving preference to brown (yellow), or use a sweetener, the best being Stévia, as it is natural. This juice should be taken preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach, but it can also be consumed between meals.


Oatmeal porridge is a great option for a natural appetite suppressant and can be eaten for breakfast or snacks, for example. The constituent fibers of oats cause glucose to be absorbed more slowly, ensuring a feeling of satiety. Know the benefits of oats.


  • 1 cup of milk; 2 tablespoons full of oat flakes; 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Method of preparation

To prepare the oatmeal, just put all the ingredients in a penela and stir over medium to low heat until it acquires a gelatinous consistency, which happens in more or less than 5 minutes.

Ginger tea

Ginger, in addition to all its properties related to metabolism and the fight against infections and inflammations, is able to inhibit appetite, as it has in its composition a substance capable of decreasing the desire to eat and increasing the feeling of satiety.


  • 1 tablespoon of chopped ginger; 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

Ginger tea is made by placing the ginger in 1 cup of water and boiling for about 10 minutes. Then wait for it to cool slightly and drink at least 3 times a day, preferably before meals.

Homemade options to naturally decrease appetite