Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for memory

Home remedy for memory


A good home remedy for memory is to improve blood circulation at the brain level, which can be achieved with a healthy diet, containing brain stimulants like Ginkgo Biloba and foods rich in vitamin B6 and B12 because they contain good fat, present in brain cells.

Another important tip to improve memory is to sleep well because it is during deep sleep that memory is consolidated, and to drink coffee because it contains caffeine that improves attention levels.

Home remedy with ginkgo biloba

A good home remedy for memory is to drink rosemary tea with ginkgo biloba because it increases blood circulation, improving the exchange of information between neurons, which is essential to improve attention and memory.


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Method of preparation

Boil the water and then add the leaves of the medicinal plants. Cover, allowing to cool, for about 5 minutes. Strain and drink next. It is recommended to take 2 to 3 cups of this tea a day, every day.

Home remedy with catuaba

Another good home remedy to improve memory is to drink catuaba tea, which improves efficiency between nerve synapses.


  • ½ liter of water2 tablespoons of catuaba bark

Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a pan and boil for a few minutes. Then turn off the heat and let it cool. Drink 2 times a day.

Memory is the ability to store information in the brain and it tends to decrease with age, but taking these home remedies regularly can help improve memory and lack of attention. However, these home remedies are not indicated for severe memory problems such as Alzheimer's.

Watch this video to find out which foods help improve memory:

See more tips at: 7 Tricks to improve memory effortlessly.

Home remedy for memory